Well, well. Another Bush speech. This one was rather disappointing, though. Bush did not impress me very much that much, except for his persistence under pressure. I found his remarks rather contradictive at times. We want Sadaam to disarm, he says. Sadaam will not disarm, he says. He wants peace, he says. We will force Sadaam to disarm, he says. Pick one story and stick with it, Bush. You can't have it every which way. In addition, his claim that he doesn't know when we will go to war is bs. He has a plan. He knows when he wants to go to war, and he's just not telling us. Mind you, that's a good strategy so that Iraq doesn't know exactly when he'll attack, but it's still annoying how he claims that war is not inevitable when in actuality, it is.
I may falter on my position sometimes, partially because I don't debate well, but at least I don't claim to be absolutely right. Bush seems to hold the view that his views are the correct ones and the ones that the American people should hold (his frequent references to Sept. 11th and its "lessons" to the American people are proof of that).
My apologies for yet another in-coherent rant on my positions.
[cloned from
A Bird's Melody]