absence of a deluge

Jan 26, 2005 23:17

Aaaugh, I haven't posted in forever again. This really bothers me, for several reasons. One, I like to try and post everyday, and that isn't happening. Two, I write because I like to practice my writing. Three, I write so I can keep my life organized and so I can remember what on earth is going on in my life, because I'm liable to forget otherwise, and also so other people know what's going on in my life. And so on and so forth. And then I go and don't post for a week. Oops!

Though it's hard to write about what's going on in my life when there's really not much going on. Well, there's classes, but posts about my classes are boring. And then there's my job hunt, I do need to post about that. And then there's the Fullmetal Alchemist PS2 game and Starcraft, but how much can you really say about beating enemies up? Though I should write a review of the FMA game once I've beaten it. That will take awhile, though. @_@

And then there's the thing of me wanting very badly to talk about series I freaking love, well, really Hagaren, but how many people really want to listen to me talk about Hagaren over and over? Yes, Rachan, I know you do want to ;). The thing is, I'd kinda like to get involved in a Hagaren forum, but knowing the general fandom, there won't be very many interesting discussions. It'll be just mostly inane chat. Le sigh.

And then there's posts about spiritual matters. Looks like we're going to be doing some very interesting topics in Bible study in the coming weeks, so I should have lots of fodder :D.

So yea. For now, I need to fill out job applications. Thinking of blog topics comes later. This is Pam, signing out. :D
[cloned from A Bird's Melody]


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