Sep 04, 2009 21:20
I have noticed, over the last couple of years, that I'm having more trouble being patient and gracious. I'm not going to claim I was ever tremendously gracious, but it's something I feel is important. One's attitude towards those in service is important. I am trying to be gracious with waitstaff, clerks, etc.
My personal skills are probably better than they used to be, which is good as I currently work in a field where personal relations are important. I'm not sure how I ended up in such a field (Project Management); I have a technical background and my personal skills are not my strongest point.
I was raised to say please and thank you and to expect thank you notes. These are perhaps charming anachronisms. But they're important. I expect my boy to do as he's told, but I will ask him politely to do whatever I fully expect him to do.
I've gone from a girl who fought chivalry ("I am just as good as you are - I don't need your help!") to someone who sort of appreciates it. It's gracious. So long as someone doesn't figure that since they've opened a door for me, they can deny me a promotion because my chromosomes are XX.