Jul 13, 2007 17:38
I have never used my pet for domestic chores. And the last time I mentioned it to the husband, he said no, absolutely not.
Well, he's come around, at least in part.
Pet is good at personal chores; he paints my nails for me and he does a very nice job cleaning and polishing my boots. He did that for me this last weekend, at one point leaving the group of people I was with and finding a lamp post as he needed more light. (Which was adorable, if a bit worrisome as I didn't know where he'd disappeared to. Pet has been informed that running off without letting me know where he's off to is not encouraged.)
He had to condition and polish one pair again after I wore one it in the sand, effectively exposing the boots to dust and zillions of tiny sharp silicon knives.
He also washed my stockings and gloves, which is a personal chore I've personally always felt very appropriate for a person in pet's position, but from which I've never personally benefited before.
So pet now knows how to handwash delicates, which is a useful skill. I don't know if he loves my stockings as much when they are sodden and full of suds.
I also had him clean some counters, wash the occasional dish, and am asking myself why I didn't have him mop the floor.
Pets are good for so much more than simply doing evil things to their nerve endings. I love playing with pet, but I very much appreciate the little perks of having a bondsman.