Nov 24, 2010 19:38
It's becoming worse. I can't do anything without thinking about it. It appears in my dreams, in school (where I should better listen to the teacher), in the bus, everywhere and everytime. I can't control myself anymore. Life without it is impossible. What should I do? Go to the doctor? No! He would propably think I'm crazy..but maybe I am...I need some sleep...I'm tired of thinking about the end of it....aaaahhhrg
I need that book!!! xD It's so exciting! I have already read "The magicains guild" and "the novice". Only "the high Lord" is left, but I will borrow it on Friday from my classmate, otherwise, I would'nt learn for my classtest tomorrow.
Edit: noooaaah we didn't write the classtest >.< I could have borrowed the book earlier -.-
the novice,
trudi canavan,
the magicains guild,
the high lord