August was an immmensly busy and chaotic month.
A change in medication seems to finally bring a REAL improvement to my mental health. Though I am still tired and sleep to much (in my opinion) I am at least motivated enough to fight that with great amount of coffee. Which brings me to the first point...
CHAOS: Visitors great and small came and went bringing fun, exitement and games. First my sisters family,
The first visitors were my sister and her little patchwork family. It was the first visit of am member of my family in the 10 something years I have been living here. My sister an I had the first real talk as grow ups in all our live and i guess we both discovered a MAJOR miss understanding between the two of us AND the fact, the our mother is a worse ***** than I had ever imagined for we both fear that she had been subtly playing us against each other alle the time. If by concious thought or subconsious
self defense against two daughter with (maybe) ADS. With was not something anybody would have thought of back then... wow I sound ancient... but my sister showing ALL the symptoms I see in myself - she is being treated for both ADS and Depression...
We also discovered the we actually like each other.
Other than that the visit was chaotic, fun and my nephew is bright, adorable and QUITE a hand full. I love him. Just as I came to adore my sisters husband, who always gives the impression of being a sun warmed rock in a turbulent sea. then a friend of a friend
we toured the city watched one of the exiting tours in the Amphitheatre and I even managed to to get Freeport to take us through a little tour into the 4455th century. and on the day he left my good friends from Nuremberg entered about an hour after the guys had left who had to repair the mistakes that had been made when the floor was laid out a few weeks ago. Of course the company called while my guest was packing:
After introducing herself and identifing he company the friendly voice asked: "Are you at home?"
"Uh, yes?"
"Great we'll send someone over. for the repairs"
"Uh... Now???"
"Oh, dont worry you have 15 minutes bevore they are at your house", said the cheerful voice.
"Fantastic" I said barely reingng in my enthusiasm.
So when the craftsmen entered I had helped my guest to pack the rest of his stuf und gently (I hope) shoved him out the door (He offered to help but the falt is not exactly gig and 4 People would have been toooooo much). Then I frantically started shoving and pushing all the furniture out of the way to let the crafts men get access to the wall to fix the kick plates all aroud the flat. I have to say the two men were nice and worked fast and good so I had about an hour to put my furniture back were it belonged and clean the debris.
The Bard and her family were a delight as always. This time we did nothing but gaming
First our hillarious Warhammer Fantasy round which is allways fun mixed with terrible Bad guys. We have finaly earned enough to get pistols for Hermine and my character found out that he seems to be a Dark Elf - he hates the Idea... maybe dying his hair might work agaist that destiny.
On the next two days I improvised a Dragea setting using the game mechanicks of Blue Planet. It worked fantastic. I have to change a few things here and there but it actually fits the urban setting i used very well. Nobody created another sea of chaos ^^ exept for an alibi visit to the
Steamtrain museum in Hermeskeil (I'd call it train grave yard) a marvelous place.
So you see Chaos at it's best and most creative ^^
I will continue tomorrow with a few pictures from the train yard.
P.S. Anyone intressted in my version of Dragera RPGing?