Late Autum City

Nov 19, 2009 02:30

A friend asked me to take some pictures of the green areas that separate lanes and walkways on one of the big crossroads.
I used the excuse for a little trip into the city to try out my new camera.
To my surprise I found beautiful mini parks that were anything but green, but rather artful stone-and-scrub-landscapes.

I love the hidden

Two more behind the link

The sun was already pretty low when I set out and on my way to my very favorite tea shop the light had taken on a magical quality.

Is was fun to walk though the town in the dusky light and buying chistmasy things.
An nice, big and inexpensive bag for me, huge amounts of tea, an advent calendar for my nephew
and a lot of gingerbread, or German Lebkuchen, for the lyorn and me.

On the way back the light got even more beautiful:

I stood there quite a while watching people pass me by.

The time here was very relaxing and I really managed to catch up on my sleep. Tomorrow morning we head back.

The other journey today brought strange and funny stuff.

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