On Vox: Questy Quest!: Rules for Play

Jul 10, 2008 19:40

Questy Quest! ("P.T. 1" edition)

If anyone has any feedback, finds anything unclear, or actually playtests it and has some notes, I'm looking for all I can get. I've played it with a group of four, which I would call about the minimum number, and I'd like to see how it works with larger groups, especially considering the round-robin turn order.

Questy Quest! is a game that explores the great unsolved questions: Who are you? What are you doing here? Who are these people? In this game you play someone, who is striving... who is Questing, to beat all the odds, and do something. Gripping, isn't it?

Character Sheet

The first thing you'll need to do is make up a character sheet. This should be done rather secretively. It's simple, though, so you won't spend all your social time huddled in a corner, snarling at your compatriots.

The sheet itself should have the following information (with convenient examples):
  1. Your character's name: Bob D. Rilo
  2. Their concept: Intergalactic Salvage Collector
  3. Their Quest: Hunt down the rival bastard that made off with your ship's cosmonautic converter for scrap metal.
  4. A small, medium, and great positive about them-- their Upsides
    • "Teflon" personality
    • Slings a mean ray-gun
    • Uncanny ability with electronics
  5. An "achilles heel" negative. Their downside.
    • Alcoholic
  6. Five boxes for hit points.
  7. Your player number. Number off within the group.

First moves

You should have a die of equal or greater sides than the number of players (at least one number for each player). Someone (anyone, it's not important) rolls this die to determine the first GM. The first GM sets the scene, then pauses for introductions.

All characters should introduce their name, character concept, upsides, and downsides. Their Quest does not necessarily need to be introduced. It could be hidden, or revealed in-character.

After introductions, the first player acts...

Play order

Initiative is a pain, and there aren't any points anyhow, so the group should agree upon a starting player and a round-robin direction. If you're too competitive to do this on your own, this isn't the game for you. After the first player, play continues in a round-robin fashion, irrespective of who the GM is. (We'll get to "What if it's the GM's turn")

Procedural Rules of Speaking Order

(This is in title caps because it's important. Without these rules, the game devolves into... more chaos than is necessary.)

In normal play, the player first acts within the scene given them, then the GM reacts to the player's action.
There are only two situations where the GM speaks before the player:
  1. In the first scene, the first person to speak is the initial GM. They may set the scene and perhaps introduce NPCs or create a conflict. After that, the first player acts, and the GM reacts to them and goes on.
  2. The GM also speaks first in the case of a conflict roll. The GM determines success or failure, narrates the consequences of the action, then the next player is allowed to act.

How the game is played
  1. Someone rolls a die. The person with that number is the inital GM. (If you roll a nobody- a "6" on a five-player group, for instance, roll again.)
  2. Roll again. That person is the first player. (If you roll a nobody, or you roll the GM's number, roll again.)
  3. The initial GM describes the scene, then pauses for introductions.
  4. Players (including the GM) go around the group introducing their character- name, concept, and upsides/downsides.
  5. The GM may wish to interject to reiterate or further clarify the setting at this point.
  6. The first player describes an action.
  • If another player wishes to oppose this action immediately, they may interject and force a conflict roll, but the second player's opposition should be "defensive" or "reactive" in nature- not a "turn" in and of itself,and the floor and play order still remains at the first player.
  1. The GM reacts to the player's action, describing the results, playing any nearby NPCs, and determining whether a conflict roll is necessary...
  2. If the action is trivial, and does not require a conflict roll, the focus moves to the next player, and the GM does not change.
    • The next player always describes their action first, with the scene as it exists after the GM's last narration.
    • In this case, if the "next player" is the GM, then the GM rolls to select a new GM, who can be anyone except themselves.
  3. If the action requires a conflict roll, the player rolls the dice to select a new GM. The new GM may be anyone who is not invloved in the conflict. The current GM may continue if their number is rolled.
    •  The newly-selected GM then narrates the success or failure of the action, as well as consequences, based upon the general likelihood of success,the character's upsides and downsides, and the new GM's whims and inclinations. Success is completely based upon that GM's decision, not upon the number of the die roll or any other such factors.
    • Play then continues with the next player taking their turn, and the newly-selected GM dictating scene.

The duties and rules of the GM

The current GM...
  • ...when called upon as the result of a conflict roll, determines and narrates the success or failure of the action, as well as any resultant consequences.
  • ...otherwise, speaks second. The GM should not dictate scene until after the player has made their move. The player acts with the scene as it exists, and the GM then reacts, and sets the scene as it continues.
  • ...determines when a player's turn is over. To keep the game moving, especially with the enforced "round-robin" ordering, a player's turn should generally only consist of one complete action or short conversation.
  • ...determines when a conflict roll is necessary. A conflict roll is necessary...
    • when a character's intended action is opposed by a present NPC, force, situation, setting, or other player
    • when the action requires more skill or ability than a common, casual action
    • when the GM decides to add a "hitch" to the action
  • ...has final discretion over the scene. Although players may rely upon assumptions to an extent, the availability of objects, the details of a situation, and the details of NPCs do remain the domain of the GM. Players should generally ask, not dictate, that certain non-character details are true.

The duties and rules of the player

The current player...
  • ...speaks first when it is their turn. The player (and their character) acts first, using the scene as it stood after the GM's last description.
  • ...plays their sheet. You should always keep your Concept, Upsides, Downsides, and Goals in mind when playing.
  • ...asks the GM. Although you control your character's attributes and holdings, within the realm of reason, the GM has authority over the setting and scene details. If it's something you can readily assume (the bedroom has a bed and a door, the people are wearing clothes, the fish tank is full of water), you may, but for all other things, ask the GM, to be sure.
  • ...waits for their turn (okay, so I guess this isn't the "current" player). Play continues in a round-robin fashion. There is no "initiative", and there's no "casual orderless play in non-combat". (Why? With the GM also being a player, it tends to muddle roles and introduce more confusion than is necessary.) The most you can do is interject and force a conflict roll if you wish to stop a current player's action, and even this should be kept to a minimum.

Calling "Bullshit!"

In the unlikely case that the current GM makes a decision that is wildly unjust, unbelievable, or inconsistent, any player may call "Bullshit!" and challenge the ruling. The player calls "Bullshit!", explains their position, then all players may vote on whether or not they agree that the decision was, in fact, bullshit. If the decision is decided to be bullshit, the GM must amend their narrative from the point at which the bullshit began. Note, however, this can only be used for the immediate action by the current GM. "Bullshit!" calls should not be used, for example, for a malevolently clever and intricate plan which results in an unwanted situation- the call should be saved for decisions which are unjustifiably inconsistent.

Although it is recommended to keep the original terminology, if you find that you are playing among children or prudes who cannot hear or use the word "bullshit", you may wish employ a similar, more acceptable replacement term. A replacement term is, likewise, strongly recommended if you are playing with a group that can hear and use the term "bullshit", but cannot do so without tittering. Tittering just embarrasses everyone involved.

Originally posted on fleb.vox.com
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