A fitness guide for someone who hates dieting and but can force herself to move instead...

Jun 09, 2004 19:04

In an attempt to feel younger and fitter, I have been exercising almost nonstop.

I have been walking 2.5 miles everyday at River Bend Park. It has this great sewer-like aroma and on each lap around the park, Matt and I get hissed at by geese.

I am trying to make myself go to Curves everyday. It's become a bit easier to get my butt over there since all the drama over new management started. I just can't bear to miss out on any gossip. There is this new manager there named Amy and whenever people walk in, she shouts at them "HAVE A GREAT WORKOUT!" The elderly women just look at her nervously and back away. Today Amy tried to tell me I was doing one of the machines wrong. I told her that if I do it her way, my legs will get too fat and that I like my way better because it works out my back. She didn't hassle me anymore after that.

I have been punishing my legs nonstop by dancing on them everyday and by forcing them to do extension highcuts. It has suddenly become very important for me to be able to do these because I realize that if I can't do them now, I'll never be able to do them. Here now... a guide to doing extension (aka leap) highcuts. I want each of you to try them and give me feedback...
Here is a plain old boring highcut. You just switch feet back and forth and back and forth. Try it. Hop and bring one leg up, then hop and bring the other leg up... back and forth. See! You've got it...

Ok, now try leaping in between each on. You can only land on one leg at a time. You should look like this before you land each time. It's great exercise and your legs will hate you afterward:

The other day, Matt and I were practicing leap highcuts in the kitchen and I leap highcutted right into Trent's litter box. The lesson in that? Give yourself plenty of space to do these.

Ok, guys, good luck and I know none of you will actually do any of this, but if you do, please tell me. Why? Because I am nosy.
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