i never thought i'd be grateful to write out a dull weekend to do list.
Moving counterclockwise around the house:
- Living room: straighten up, vacuum carpet, water plants, clean floors, dust (including windowsills), go through magazines and divide into giveaway & recycle piles. go through CDs and put in the right cases, and set aside the ones to take to amoeba. figure out where the fuck the cat peed (ew!).
- Dining room: organize sewing stuff, go through piles of old mail and divide into shred/recycle piles.
- Kitchen: oh my god. dishes. clean out fridge. put first pile of dishes away. do more dishes. wipe down counters and cabinets. sweep. mop.
- Back bathroom: wipe down everything. clean tub. sweep. mop.
- My room: make piles of laundry. go through all the crazy crap i have and bag stuff up for goodwill and/or st. vincent de paul mailing. sweep. clean floor.
- Front bathroom: wipe down everything. sweep. mop. clean shower. go through cupboard of toiletries and box up for peachinprocess's trip or st. vincent de paul mailing.
- Soph's room: go through her clothes, books, toys and divide up for various donations. make piles of laundry. put clothes away. put toys away.
- Pets: clean fish tank. bathe cat with too-expensive non-toxic (except to fleas, i guess) flea shampoo. brush cat. clean catboxes.
- Etc: pick up stuff from The Mamas. box up stuff for peachinprocess and slurketta. clean out car. take packages to the post office before it closes. burn CDs for coldbeansoup's kids.
i think i'll make a big pot of coffee and invite melvin over to help.