Jun 12, 2009 01:39
Today I spent my day cleaning our bedroom because it stank of dog puke. Our dogs started puking after eating chicken. This happened for the 3 pieces of chicken we gave them during the week. We think the chicken might have been bad or they over ate. Hopefully it does not happen with the new chicken.
Then we went to bd's mongolian barbeque. I love bd's! hahaha Well after my 2nd bowl I was full. I ate a lot of tortillas and drank a lot of diet pop. We went with his mother. I look at him and tell him soemthing about him having a big stomach because he can eat more than I can. He gets angry because he says I called him fat. I did not say FAT I just said he had a big stomach and can fit more than I can. If some calls me a pig I wont deny it because I do pig out. I eat CHOCOLATE/DESSERTS as if it was dinner, lunch or breakfast. But anyways, I apologized just because!
I wanted to go to the mall because my stomach was hurting but it was closing soon so we went to Miejers. We walked around for a few and bought some diet pop and dessert. LOL
Well I haven't been on LJ since FOREVER. But I'll see if I can update this thing with my boring ass life.