'Nother Survey... :]

Nov 16, 2004 16:22


C u r r e n t
001. time? 4:22 pm.
002. date? 11/16/04
003. jewelry? silver necklace and silver earrings.
004. clothes? jeans and this red holter top thing.
005. taste? string cheeeeese!!
006. sound? JD's sign on name.
007. crush? Cory..... :-/
008. best friend? Anna, Lauren, Diana, JD, Cory.
009. emotion? irritated
010. thing in sight? the computer screen...?

G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t o n
011. name? Anne
012. nickname? annie, anners nanners, anners bananners, annie bananie bananers, blondie, annie frannie, annie fu fu, EDONLB, diddle...
014. sex? lady. :]
015. location? Blue Bonnet Way. ;]
016. grade? 10th
017. school? Fleming Island
018. jobs? FGBA.
019. siblings? Matthew - 23.
020. pets? Mitty.. my Kitty.

T h e L a s t
021. movie you saw? Shrek 2.
022. movie you rented? Mean Girls and Shrek 2.
023. song you listened to? Lucky by Bif Naked.
024. person you talked to? my mother.
025. person you called? Anna.
026. person that called you? Anna.
027. person you IMed? Jared Bodlak.
028. person that sent you a text message? Jd.
029. thing you wrote? I can't recall.
030. thing you read? Well.. I tried to read the T.V. screen but my eyes are all blurry.

F r i e n d s
031. best? I already named them.
032. funniest? all of my friends are funny!!
033. trustworthy? All of 'em. :]
034. advice? Anna or Diana.
035. loudest? Anna!!
036. quietest? Lauren.
037. most athletic? we're all big fat slobs that don't exercise at all! haha
038. most girly? Diana.
039. smartest? Jd and Anna.
040. fallen for? Corrrrry.

C u r r e n t B u d d y L i s t
041. total people? one-oh-seven.
042. total people online? vienty-uno.
043. away messages up? 8
044. people on cell phones? Dos.
045. screen names you have? Tres.

H a v e Y o u E v e r
046. kissed someone? Yep!
047. kissed a stranger? Nope!
048. snuck out at night? Yep!
049. run away? Nope!
050. cursed at mom/dad? Yep!
051. gone to church? Yes!!!
052. lied to someone you love? yes
053. masturbated? hahahaha!!
054. played spin the bottle? yep!
055. gone skinny dipping? mmmhmm!
056. showered? no.. im stinky and dirty.. what the heck kind of question is that?
057. been to a funeral? yes. :[
058. been to a bar/bat mitzvah? no! but i want to!
059. seen an R rated movie? yes
060. had sex? no

D o Y o u
061. drink? sometimes.
062. smoke or do drugs? no way.
063. have gay friends? yeah
064. have lesbian friends? no
065. have bisexual friends? yes indeed.

E i t h e r O r
066. hot or cold? cold
067. white or black? black
068. spring or fall? fall
069. looks or personality? personality
070. sunrise or sunset? sunset
071. smart or stupid? smart
072. video or dvd? dvd
073. tape or cd? cd
074. jock, prep, or skater? skater..
075. serious or sarcastic? serious

F u t u r e
076. college? Yes.. someplace up north..?
077. career? psychology.
078. place of marriage? .... look into my crystal ball..??
079. husband? i dunno
080. number of children? maybe 1.... maybe none!
081. two girls names? Anastasia pronouced (Ahna-Staaa-Zee-uh), Ebony.
082. two boys names? Joel, and Nicholas.
083. car? one that drives. :]
084. house? a nice one
085. place to live? dunno

F a v o r i t e
086. movie? Napoleon Dynamite!!!!!
087. actor? Robin Williams.
088. actress? Reese Witherspoon...?
089. food? Pizza/Alfredo/Sushi. :]
090. drink? green tea. MMMMMMMMM!
091. alcoholic drink? ZIMAS!!! XXXXXXXXX
092. tv show? simpsons...?
093. tv channel? Fuse
094. number? 7
095. song? i like a lot. hahah.
096. band? daphne loves derby.
097. artist? duane michaels (he's a homosexual photographer.)
098. color? pink and black.
099. thing to do? relax.
100. current time? 4:35 pm
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