venting!! Anyone care to listen!?!?!

Feb 29, 2004 19:33

IS there such thing as a nursing home for 45 year olds or do i have to wait till he is mmmmmm..... What's the earliest I can put him there and never hear from him again? I guess it will have to be until 60!! Hopefully by then he will be dead of a heart attack!! :)He thinks he knows everything but he doesn't and that he has so much control over me and when i turn 18 that everything is going to "change"!! What the hell do I need to change? The thing that is going to chane is either i'm not going to be living in the house or He will be leaving!!! I hope just falls off the face of this earth forever and I don't have to see him again!!! HA! Maybe I can go somewhere far car far away from for spring break!! Nasty has mustache!! Fat Fuck just needs to go!! Talk to you lovely people later!!

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