Going off!

Dec 06, 2009 21:01

Finally, finally , FINALLY I'm done with my university applications. My flight to Zürich leaves in 4.5 hours and I'll be away from this humid, sweltering (all though not so much at this time of the year) Singapore weather and freeze my ass off in Europe. Can barely wait.

Will be returning on the morning of the 19th, if I'm feeling up to it I'll go for carolling practice in the afternoon.. hopefully I'll buy lots and lots of exquisite Swiss chocolates to distribute during Christmas (get that Santa image out of your head, ppl).

Another thing: I finally fixed the damned bug on my new iPod touch. What happened was that the "Top 25 Most Played" playlist was completely wrong - and I do mean absolutely, utterly and completely wrong without even the slightest resemblance to the actual playlist - though it was right on my previous nano and on the iTunes on my computer. Being the organizing freak that I am when it comes to my music I had been agonizing over this ever since I bought it. Today I decided to search for the problem on Google and guess what, I'm not alone!! Man, that feeling is really great LOL. Apparently people with 3g iphones and itouches were bugged by the same problem and were cursing Apple on it. Luckily a user offered a solution which I duly followed (without any idea what I was actually doing) and voila! Problem solved. I can sleep well again. Haha nope, just kidding, but the sense of satisfaction was definitely nice.

So, for now I'm off to chateaus, medieval towns and snowy mountain peaks. Will update there if possible. A 13 hour flight currently awaits :D.


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