Should I really?

Nov 08, 2009 13:34

 Name your favourite books, authors, films and/or musical artists.

This comes straight out of the Stanford supplement I'm staring at right now, and the more I think about my (truthful) answers, the more dubious my character seems, since the instructions are "Please respond to the following questions so we can get to know you better". But what if I really put this down:

We Need To Talk About Kevin (Lionel Shriver) - about the eternal question of nature vs. nurture: letters from a mother who narrates her son's sociopathic tendencies, culminating in the revelation that these letters are actually to her dead husband - murdered, together with her daughter, by her son. Not for the faint hearted.

The Wasp Factory (Iain Banks) - one of the most celebrated and controversial contemporary novels. Violent, gruesome, sexually deviant and yet fascinating.

Carrie (Stephen King) - oh, even my mother knows this, and still shudders at the memory of it. A cautionary tale of the proverbial last straw if there ever was one - bullied girl fights back. Big time.

The Virgin Suicides (Jeffery Eugenides) - I think by this time I've already established myself to be a veritable connoisseur of twisted fiction, no? Besides, when I go on to list Fight Club under favourite movies, I'm just making things worse.

Ah well, maybe the decidedly non-deviant music of Rachael Yamagata and Jason Mraz can make up for this? I don't really think that I should care too much anyway - this is the real me. Just that I realised that my book choices are a little.. erm, disturbing heh.

images, meandering

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