Really, LJ?

Jan 02, 2012 03:57


I feel like shoving Fassbender's face onto my homepage is a really transparent way to try and earn a thank-you from me, livejournal.

53 Questions That You May Not Have Seen Before
Instructions: You should know these by now.

1: What do you put on hotdogs?
Well, I am a ~vegetarian, so.

2: Do you say "anticlimatic" or "anticlimactic"?
Anticlimatic is not a word, meme gods.

3: Do you check flyers before grocery shopping?
My dad occasionally brings me coupons for things he knows I buy.

4: Blue, black, or some other colour pen ink?
Assuming I can FIND a pen.

5: Do you use your parking brake?
With what car? I don't even have a kickstand on my bike.

6: Look to your left. How many framed pictures are on the wall?
One. Some horrible thing Inna found in a thrift store, surely.

7: Do you know how to play chess?
Not very well. Inna taught me, years ago, in a café. Come to think of it, she's the only person I've ever played with. We are old mutant husbands, Jesus Christ almighty.

8: How often do you clean the interior of your car?

9: Do you ever read the last few pages first?

10: Ever fallen in the shower?
Once, I fell OUT of the shower... and onto a live radiator. I still have a burn scar on my left bicep.

11: On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to swear at other drivers?
Hahahaha, 12! This is New York!

12: What's the worst thing you've ever called someone you care about?
Can't think of anything off the top of my head... but I'm honest with everyone, so name-calling doesn't really factor in too much.

13: Do you have a Snuggie?
No, but I have something similar, only it looks like Palpatine's sith hoodie.

14: Are you allergic to anything?
There's an ingredient in standard cold/flu meds, I forget.... makes me insane. More insane.

15: Do you have any TV shows on DVD?

16: How many times do you hit the snooze button before finally getting out of bed?
75 times at least.

17: Ever driven away in anger?
Nah, driving's fun.

18: What's your favourite freezie colour?
What is a freezie?

19: Are you a vegetarian?

20: Do you have a garbage receptacle beside you? What's on top?

21: Do you cross out your mistakes or erase/whiteout them?
I'm OCD with that kind of thing and will rewrite/draw something into perpetuity.

22: Ever torn something up that you instantly knew was too important for such treatment?
Tickets! Fuck you, MTA, I ain't paying no 100 bucks for riding in between cars or for smoking, go to hell, Mayor Mike.

23: Do you think that things will get better?
Only if you work hard enough. <--- Leaving Mandy's answer 'cause it's true.

24: Do you have an unpopular opinion? What is it?
Ryan Reynolds is hideous.

25: What's your favourite quote?
"Faith, like a jackal, feeds among the tombs, and even from these dead doubts she gathers her most vital hope."

26: Did you/are you going to go to prom?
You couldn't pay me.

27: What's the most physically painful thing you've ever experienced?
Okay. I'm one of those people who don't respond to anesthetics. And this year I had my wisdom teeth removed from an infected jaw, under inadequate numbing medication. Guys, I FLEW off the table. After the fact I took upwards of ten vicodin in the first few hours with no fucking results. That sucked major dick and I feel makes my aversion to MDs understandable.

28: What's the most emotionally/mentally painful thing you've ever experienced?

29: Have you ever legitimately saved a person's life?

30: What's your favourite book genre?

31: Did you like "Gigli"? Be honest.
What is that?

32: Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theatre?
Honestly, truly, I almost walked out of XMFC the first time, at the tooth-pulling scene. Really! It was just by days following the aforementioned terrible surgery!

33: Do you peek between your fingers during the scary scenes?
No, I laugh. Unless it's dental trauma, as explained.

34: What was your reaction to Tatum getting killed whilst stuck in the pet door in Scream?
Laughter! I'm THAT asshole in the theatre whom everyone hates.

35: Do dogs like you?

36: Would you say that you project an air of authority?
Less authority, more taking charge of myself.

37: Do people listen when you speak?
I mostly just find ways to keep other people talking so I won't have to. The gift of bartending.

38: How are your elbows? Are they okay?
They're pink!

39: What is one thing that you do exceptionally well? Be honest.
Tactile things. Whether crafts or putting things together, I just have good hands for it, I guess.

40: Do you use torrents?
Not really.

41: When was the last time you paid for music?
I mostly just listen to grooveshark.

42: Are you addicted to technology?
Not more than anyone else.

43: Pick a person (you don't need to give their name). How do you feel about them? Be as honest as you can get yourself to be.

44: Do you check your computer's dictionary for the definition of words you'd otherwise feel confident about using during in-person interactions? Just to be sure?
Yep. Where's the insecure penguin when you need him?

45: How heavily do you rely on spellcheck and autocorrect?
Never, it always gets me wrong. And it's not multilingual.

46: Have you ever gotten into an argument on the internet? Did you win?
Probably and who cares.

47: Do you pause movies/TV shows if you have to go to the bathroom or the kitchen, or do you just let them keep playing?

48: If you use a regular alarm clock, do you have it set to music or that obnoxious beeping?
It vibrates. What? I'm a light sleeper. I once awoke when a centipede entered my room; I felt the disturbance in the force.

49: Peter Pan?
Shut up. Shut up. I will sob forever!

50: How often do you fall up the stairs?

51: Do you pronounce "anti" as ant-eye or ant-ee? (Example: "That scene was very anticlimactic.")
Depends on the word.

52: Do you pronounce "via" as vee-uh or vie-uh? (Example: "We can get there via Tremont Street.")
I'll transcribe it into IPA for you: ['viə] <------ Oh, Mando, my love, I pronounce it: ['vēə]

53: How often do you forget to close your parentheses?
Who does that?

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