Day 01 - What's your favorite current ship?
Day 02 - What was your very first ship?
Day 03 - A pairing that needs to happen now?
Day 04 - The pairing with the most chemistry?
Day 05 - The pairing with the least chemistry?
Day 06 - The best kiss?
Day 07 - The most heartbreaking scene?
Day 08 - The pairing with the most baggage?
Day 09 - The most believable relationship?
Day 10 - Why aren’t these two married in real life?
Day 11 - What is your dream pairing?
Day 12 - Who had the best wedding?
Day 13 - What is your favorite television pairing?
Day 14 - What is your favorite book pairing?
Day 15 - What is your favorite real life pairing?
Day 16 - What is the absolute worst pairing?
Day 17 - A pairing you thought would never work out, but did?
Day 18 - What is the cutest pairing?
Day 19 - A pairing you’ve rooted for since the beginning?
Day 20 - The ‘can’t stand the sexual tension anymore’ pairing?
Day 21 - A pairing you like and no one else understands why?
Day 22 - A pairing you hate and no one else understands why?
Day 23 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out great?
Day 24 - A crazy love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out badly?
Day 25 - A pairing that was/would-be adorable, but could never work out?
Day 26 - A pairing that you hated and ended up loving?
Day 27 - A pairing that you loved and ended up hating?
Day 28 - A pairing that you will never understand?
Day 29 - What ship had the best proposal?
Day 30 - Your favorite ship forever and ever and ever!
Well, I think anyone that knows me at all would know that my heart belongs to the epicness that is the Damon/Elena pairing.
For anyone who has been living under a rock and doesn't know of Damon and Elena (cause seriously dudes, where have you been that you haven't heard of them?) they are from the immensly amazing TV show The Vampire Diaries.
Now, technically, they aren't together yet but since the whole premise of the show is a love triangle, it's inevitable that they will get together eventually.
However, despite the fact that they aren't actually a couple yet, they are my biggest ship ever. They have the most intense chemistry I've ever seen between two people. They say more just by looking at each other than anyone else could with a whole page of dialogue. They have a unspoken [on Elena's part] attraction to each other that is just undeniable - everyone can see it, even Isobel and she was only around for one episode.
To fully apreciate this pairing, you have to take into consideration that Damon has lived the last century and a half compeltely and utterly devoted to one person, Katherine. As a result, he has shut everyone else out of his life because the only person he thought he'd ever want would be her. However, after meeting Elena, you could see she really stirred somehting up inside him, even before he found out Katherine had been free all along and just didn't give a damn. He feels for her, and whether or not that was triggered by her resemblance to Katherine or not, it's clear to everyone that he now loves and respects and cares for her for who she is, Elena.
No one in over a century has ever meant anything to him, yet he has fallen for her so hard it actually hurts to watch him sometimes because you can just see how desperate he is to be with her. Now, you'd think that if he only wanted her because of her appearance, he'd just compel her, have is way with her and it'd be over and done with and most likely give him some closure over Katherine if he just pretended it was her, but he can't. When he looks at her, he sees Elena, not Katherine and he loves her still. He wants everything between them to be real and wants to be wanted back. His heart has been broken to what you'd assume would be beyond repair, yet he still manages to have feelings for Elena.
Elena on the other hand, has her view of the whole situation clouded by the fact she loves Stefan. Now, no one in their right mind would deny the fact that Elena loves Stefan. It's obvious, and the whole point behind the show, but it's also becoming more and more apparent to her that she may have some similar feelings for Damon. The more he reveals himself to her and lets her in, the more good she sees him and she sees a person worthy of being loved. She knows he's not a bad person, he's just been corrupted by circumstance and that if he was loved back as strongly as loves others (whether it be Katherine, Stefan, Elena...) he wouldn't feel so rejected all the time and in turn wouldn't be so violent.
Elena is really the only person who truly sees him fow what he is and its because he only allows her to see because he trusts her like no one else. Elena also knows that he'd do anything for her, die for her even, and no matter what she feels for Stefan, she's aware that feelings for Damon are also surfacing.
The unspoken conenction they share is the most epic thing about them. As I said earlier, they can say so much with just a look. You can see the electricity and attraction between them and they manage to be so sexy yet so sweet at the same time.
I actually found a quote that sums them up perfectly;
"It's often just enough to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You're not alone." - Marilyn Monroe
Anyways, that is why love Damon/Elena :)