MANIFESTO: Or, How I Learned to Overthrow This World and Build a Better One

Jun 15, 2009 04:23

This is TOTALLY a work in progress. Expect that this might be added to or destroyed entirely, but know that the underlying principals will never fade.

We all want peace, harmony, prosperity for all, and anyone who doesn't want these things for everyone is fucking with you and they ought to be fucked with in kind. Seriously, though, if we all just accept that we want peace and freedom fo all people and can be adults about it this world will be a better place, and that, my friends, is the basic premise of this all.

Give me 25 years and I'll have us living in a world so sublime you'll be begging to shake my hand and thank me for bringing it about. Only you won't, because you'll be to busy fulfilling your wildest dreams and hopes and aspirations.

Heaven is on Earth, we just hadn't realized it yet.

How To Start a Revolution, and Why You Should

Let me begin by stating that this is not a revolution in the sense that you've grown up expecting. This is not about taking control of a country, of a people, or taking anything except what is ours by birth, but is stolen from us before we are even aware. This is a revolution against the very foundations our society is built on, because while we originally had so much right, there is still work to be done. So with that in mind, let's begin...

Freedom and Power

In a truly free society, no one can tell you what to do, or determine the course of your life except for, of course, you. In an ideal free society, everyone involved may do whatever their heart desires provided it does not harm others or the society as a whole. In this ideal society this is not an issue because all people are taught from the earliest moments to be considerate and kind to other people. This is a world where the only time anyone would be killed in a war was if they began a life-threatening assault on another person, but then again, this is a world where war is not a concept as we know it now.

This is a world where people are free to do as they wish, where no man presumes to chart the course of another man's life, where all are equal, and where no one has power over anyone else. This is a world where you are born free, where you live free, and where you expire a free, unbound being. It is a world so similar to ours in many respects, so close it is almost tangible!

So why, then, from our very birth is our power over our own lives and bodies given to other people? What sense does it make to take choice away without the consent of the individual? Who decided when you were born that you would be complicit in the flawed system that has remained unchanged since the dawn of time?

Seriously, nothing else lasts that long without needing a change, why has this system been allowed to erode our personal freedoms afforded to us by birth? This is not an American revolution, a British, Chinese, Russian, or whoever else revolution, for this is the wish of every good, true soul on this Earth. Everyone wants to be their own master (except those who don't, but again, that's their choice) but few people are able to break out of the bonds society has placed them in! Why does anyone but yourself have the right to decide what is and is not best for you? Who knows you best but yourself? So why then has this fundamental power been taken from us?

Who gave anyone else the right to be my master? Certainly not I!

"But," they cry, "some people need our help! Some people need us to decide for them what is and is not acceptable!" They do not understand.

The only rule in this society is to be considerate of all living things. This is not to say you should be barred from following the desires of your heart, provided they are in accordance with this rule, but only that you might need to extend a little more effort in your quest to be a good, decent person.

The people in my society respect each other, freely exchange information, and are happy to help others with the fruits of their heart's labor. The only person in this society who knows what is best for you--is you. Everyone is taught from the time they can talk to follow their heart's desire, that there is no higher goal. In this world no one is your master.

This is a message that is devoid of creed, race, nationality, or agenda. This message is hopeful for all people, promises an end to hatred, war, and just generally rude assholes on the street, like that guy who cut you off today. All that's asked of you is to assume no control over another unless that power is expressly given to you, and to give no one power over you. Follow you heart, be a good person, enjoy your life: these are all things every person can embrace.

But how? How do we take the power back?

Simple, we just begin to live this way. Even those with the "power" cannot argue the logic of a lifestyle like this. If the foundation of your society is to encourage people to be compassionate then that message shines through, and other people are drawn to it, until eventually those with the "power" can no longer do anything about it, and must either learn to adapt or be generally unhappy.

If what you want to do harms no one and no part of society, then go. Be free! If what someone wants to do hurts themselves physically, attempts should be made to persuade them against further harm, but ultimately the choice is theirs, not yours. Saving a life from imminent peril is fine, "saving" a life from a danger perceived is unethical and assumes too much power to one person.

If you hold the maxim that "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" then you can see why this is a necessary step for our society to press forward. All people want to live peaceful lives, and those who don't should be allowed to blow each other to kingdom come in a safe, desolate area far from other people. If they wish to war, let them do it where war can harm no other people. In this world, those who are violent, those who would control your life through overstepping their bounds would find themselves an endangered species in the blink of an eye.

The whole of us want a world like this, we should not be held down by the foolishness of the few who would fight and control what is not theirs.

So when the choice is put to you, when the time has come, will you live free, or will you die at the hands of those who control you? Please understand, this is not a "f*#$ the man" sentiment, this is a "take back your life!" sentiment. Let only you be the captain of your life, and let others be the captain of theirs. Though at first it may seem hard, it may seem like compassion for everyone is impossible, there will soon come a time when the population has rearranged itself. If you don't like how your neighbors think or act then find neighbors who you do like, but don't war with them over it.

If you want to live in a city, that's great, but you must understand it is not YOUR city, and there may be people in it who you do not agree with, so don't agree with them and be on your way. It's no skin off your back what they think unless you give them that power over you.

True contentment can come only from within each of us. When we all learn to respect each other, the world will teem with harmony, with peace, with joy.

So will you join the revolution?

Or have you already? ;)


It should be noted and emphasized that this is a totally voluntary, non-violent movement. Violence and compulsion are both artifacts of power, and are used when one has reached a virtual impasse in attempting to persuade another. These will not be possible or necessary with this movement because our goal is something EVERYONE will want, and our methods are totally voluntary and peaceful. Anyone who attempts coercion on behalf of the movement does not represent us, no matter what. Only self-preservation is accepted, and only as the absolute last resort.
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