Some really minimal book reviews

Nov 06, 2006 17:27

1.) The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
       Just plain good. It is proof of the power of a good story.  Coelho's writing takes a backseat to an engrossing tale, which is at the same time uplifting and spiritual yet without the tone of an author trying to push his beliefs. I could recommend this book to anyone, regardless of age or religion.
Rating: A

2.) I am Legend - Richard Matheson   
       I finished it a coupl edays ago, and I'm still not sure what to say. I liked it.....kind of. I felt like this work was stuck somewhere between a really long short story and a full blown novel, and suffered because of it. In the right light, as a horror story conceived in the 50's and set in a "futuristic" 1970's, the book was satisfying, but I couldn't help feeling I was a little bit short changed when the last page was turned.
Rating: B-
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