It's the RETURN OF LIZ. *everyone runs away*
Whee~ It's been a while hasn't it? Well, not really...but it FEELS like forever. I'm so sorry to my beautiful and lovely dear flist~ I've been so behind on everyone. Please forgive the unforgivable lizzz~ (if it makes you feel any better, I'm more behind on fandoms. xDD *slapped*)
This was a while ago, but I just realized that I'm a really weird person. haha. I was downloading slow, ballad-y, relaxing music the other day, and ended up downloading Galneryus's album (that I seem to have misplaced), which happens to be speed group? haha. I'm drawing a blank, I can't remember what it's called, but I really like their Red Horizon song, too bad it's so short (2:12). It draws me in for some reason. :D It sounds kinda...traditional-ish? haha. It's not HARD rock (well not in this one at least xD)..It's like easy going and...dark sounding yet, not so dark? haha..I've also been quite obsessed with THSK's Forever Love. haha. I don't know why. Before I really REALLY loved the song, I just thought, 'hey this is a really pretty song.' but NOW, I'm like...I LOVE THIS SONG. Haha. *loser* And I have a song that I always sing/hum/think of when I'm brushing my teeth...and it's Utada Hikaru's Stay Gold song. HAHA. I don't even know why...every morning (ONLY in the morning), for some reason I just think of the song. It's such a Utada song. xD And randomly sometimes, Kising Me by Jyongri (OMFG, liz just loves this song to's so catchy~) would just pop in my at school it would just happen to be stuck in my head. Poo~ OLD CHILDREN SONGS LIKE, 'ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT' TEND TO GET STUCK IN MY HEAD TOO. *grumbles* WHYYYYYYYYY~
Youtube is really pissing me off because it's still not working, even AFTER I downloaded&installed the new flash player or whatever. I checked my browser and it said that Java and Javascript were BOTH enabled. I downloaded, installed, didn't work, uninstalled, downloaded another one, installed, no work for me. liz are angry much. I had the same problem with imeem a while ago, but after a few days after I downloaded the new one, it worked and now youtube is...GRRRRRRRRRRRR. My brother doesn't even know why it's not working, and he's a computer freak. NOOOOOOOO! liz is SAD...but is more hungry than sad xD
Anywhooooooo~ I'm actually understanding my chemistry stuff! Surprise surprise right? haha. But I still got a bad score on my homework assignment. T__T I got 6 wrong out of 81, so I got an "A-" on it; oh well. It's better than anything lower right? xD <3 liz must continue to be...optimistic! ♥ It's about equilibrium of acids and bases and whatnot. It's an easier concept to understand now; annoying to solve, but an easier concept. :D But anyways~~ I'm getting SO much junk mail these days in the mail (like, physical junk mail xD)'s REALLY annoying. There's usually some kind of junk every day...Well I guess it's not "junk" because it's college stuff but I dunno. It's not like I'll ever have a chance to go to those colleges anyways. T__T Liz are sad now! Haha. But oh well~ It turns out that me, my cousin, and one of my friends all wanted to go to the same college! Unfortunately, I'm unable to, and my cousin is unable to (because well, he's already accepted to a different university), and my friend...well, it's possible for her. haha. My communications teacher gives out a crap-load of's REALLY annoying. It's all pointless too. GRRR. OH yes~ It turns out that I'm getting an academic award? It's the lowest academic award though because as much as I'd like to blame it on AP Chem, I just can't. Haha. It's myself that I'll end up blaming anyways so yes. Liz is DUMB! liz barely made honor roll last semester. *cough*HORRIBLE*cough* And I have to play at the award ceremony so I have to show up. I wouldn't show up if I didn't have to, but it's counted as a concert grade so I have to show up...T__T Poo! Tonight, I don't have so much homework that I have to stay up so long for, so I've decided to finally touch a bit of my reality for tonight because I've skipped it for the past few days~
I did my NHS essays! haha. I was so proud of myself. I went to bed on Tuesday at like 11:30 and woke up at 4:50AM Wednesday morning to write my essay. HAHA. I should write a book on how to procrastinate; I am the master of it. I wrote a 2 full pages (double spaced, 1 inch margin, no name at top) on those three questions in about an hour. haha. It was all just random typing xDD That's how it usually goes anyways. haha. Some people only wrote like a few sentences for their essays, and I'm like, omg...did I blab too much? *sigh* I probably did because I'm really good at blabbing, kinda like how I am right now. :D But anyways! I can't do anything anymore so it's all in the hands of the teachers, and I'm really at the "I don't care anymore" state. I was really not going to write the paper, but I said that I didn't want to waste my friend's efforts to get me the paper and another friend's efforts for explaining to me what to I guess I did it for that sake only. But yeahhhh. It'd be nice to become an NHS member, but I wouldn't care much if I didn't become a member. I want to enjoy my last year of high school next year. ♥ (not that NHS would RUIN it, it would just add to things to do...I guess by "enjoy" I mean something where I don't have to do much. haha..*lazy*)
My GAWSH. I have to pay $84 for my AP exam. It sucks. I don't want to ask my parents to pay it for me because they're already so stressed (they left to go see my very sick grandpa...please to get better soon. *sends love*) I don't want to add to their stress, and plus, I hated taking money from them ever since I was 12. SO, I will be $84 poorer...ACTUALLY, I will be $108 POORER, because I pre-ordered Shinhwa's 9th jib, so if I want it, it'd be $24 including the CD, shipping, AND a tubed poster. :D YAY~ haha. I don't mind though...The money is going to a good cause...School and fandom. :D ♥
Poo. I forgot what I was going to say. haha...OH YES, I remember. haha. In my strength and conditioning class, we have to lift everyday blah blah blah right? Well, I've gained muscle! haha. It's especially noticeable on my quads, because well, (to me at least) it's the easiest muscle to work out...and my biceps! I have muscles~ haha. But I don't feel any stronger...T____T And we had to run a mile the other day..and my nose started to bleed. T___T I was 0.2 mile away from completing a whole mile, when my nose started to bleed...well I guess I shouldn't have pushed myself too hard because I was feeling dizzy before I started running, and the whole running thing and headache/dizzy thing doesn't quite mix well. haha. I stayed in the bathroom taking care of this dumb nose for like 10-15 minutes. It was so much POOOOOOOO. Oh yeah...and there's this girl in my class (whom I happen to be partners with) who really competitive. If I lift that much, she does too...and does MORE. Like, whenever I lift or whatever she always tries to make me seem like I'm THAT much weaker than her (okay, I admit that I'm extremely "WHOA-YOU'RE-WEAKER-THAN-A-BABY" weak..). I dunno. It kinda ticks me off a little. Kinda like how she thinks she's superior to me because she can lift more? Today, we did low weights and high reps, and I was doing like 55lbs on the incline (incline is like bench press but your back is inclined. haha. just a little insight if you have no idea what I'm talking about xD) and had to do 10 reps. I found it hard when I reached the last few reps and I got up and she's like, "You thought THAT was hard?" (w/ raised eyebrows xD)...and I'm like, "yeah, it was hard at the's been a while since we benched too." (<-- it had been 2 days...or 3? I don't remember.) and she's like, "I guess..." And then when she did it, it seemed like she struggled too...but the thing that she never brought it down to her chest and then back up like you're supposed to. She brought it down 3/4 of the way and then back up. And the reason why my partners "lift more than me" is because they have bad form? haha. I'm not one to make fun or anything because I'm sure my form isn't always correct, but I can tell when someone isn't doing it correctly. (I never knew that posture was so important while lifting. haha. I thought it was just lifting heavy stuff. xD) I don't know. Maybe I'm just overreacting, but my other partner thinks so too....I dunno. She just emits that "I'm so much better than you" type of aura. But back to the whole bad form thing, when doing the dead lift, one of my partners doesn't keep her back straight and lifts with her back AND legs, but the point is to lift with ONLY your legs and just keep your back straight...that's why she keeps saying her back hurts. I told her that she should try keeping her back straighter when she does the dead lift, but she says that her back IS straight. Ehh. Oh well? It's not MY back that's hurting. Your back isn't SUPPOSED to hurt after doing these types of lifts. -_____-;; And my partners seem to like me more than they like each other because...well I'm the passive type of person and when there's a disagreement, those two just butt heads. haha. I'm kinda like, in the background somewhere solving the problem in my head and then saying what it is...then it's usually solved...But geez. Those two...give off a weird vibe sometimes. >__< But on a brighter note!, my goal for that class by the end of the year, is to hopefully, HOPEFULLY, be able to bench 100lbs. ♥ But by the rate I'm going, I don't think so. haha. I'll be...SOMEWHAT satisfied with 80-90lbs range, but if I do happen to bench 100lbs, I'll be in heaven. :D ♥ haha. But I don't want to have like bulging muscles...I think I'd just look even MORE boy-like...*fails* Haha. But yes, 100lbs. I'm shooting for it. :D
YAY! Liz has managed to do it yet ANOTHER time; it meaning a long meaningless post. YESSSSS~ :D
May tomorrow be wonderful too~
Sorrrrrrrrrrry~~ I'll go now though..I have to cook for my OLDER siblings. Isn't that terrible? I end up having to cook for them even though I'm the youngest. haha...Before, it was "EVERYONE FOR THEMSELVES!" But here I am, going to cook for them. haha. I'm such a caring sister. PFFT. Yeah right~ It's kinda nice stay home alone. ♥ Relaxing, and I can crank up the music however loud I want to. haha..
Because he's gorgeous WHENEVER, WHEREVER...ANYTIME BABY. Haha..
I just love his laugh. :D
Prettiful Jae....He's so overly skinny beautiful.
Because I love this. Changmin looks like he's snickering at something.