(no subject)

Dec 14, 2010 20:34

So I was up late the other night and watched Conan for the first time (ive heard positive things about it on lj). Not bad. Certainly 100000000 times better than David Letterman (omg I cannot watch that show! I keep giving it chances but I seriously can't see what’s so good about it/him. Its seriously the unfunniest show ever eurgh.) But anyway, Nicole Kidman was on Conan which was an amusing coincidence and I was all 'o hai I know you!' and while I was weirdly proud of her for saying that Australians do NOT in fact say ‘G’day’ (you hear it very rarely, seriously no one says it). But then she said that we call red-heads (‘gingers’) blueys. Um what?? If you watch television/live in Australia you’d know that we call them rangas (like oRANGAtangs? get it?)

And now I feel discriminatory, but I just wanted to set the record straight and not set any unknowledgeable foreigners astray. This remay or may not be partly due to this:
--> On the news they were talking about Oparah’s visit to Australia again, and one of the American tourists that she brought along was all like “tomorrow we’ll probably see the queen!! =DDDD” - um the queen lives in England. We don’t have our own queen! *facepalm*
However, all the other tourists were so sweet and complimentary and I was kind of shocked to hear so many of them say things like “Tasmania was the most beautiful place in the world. Really” - they were really complimentary. It was so lovely. Although I'm a little jealous they’ve probably seen more of my country than me now lol)

Also the other night I watched Ps I love you and bawled my eyes out  ='(

im possibly being offensive, opinions!, tl;dr: i talk a lot about random shit, i'll be hunted by grammer nazis for this, rambling, i'm so proud

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