Permission Meme

May 19, 2020 00:00

Threadhopping with this character: As long as the thread isn’t filtered/private then absolutely.

Backtagging with this character - Y/N?: Sure, it’s fine with me.

Note to psychics: Unless you don’t want him inside of your head, stay out of his. It’s not a very pleasant place to be, though if you really insist…well, there’s always consequences where The Corinthian’s concerned. As for secret things like what he fears or mental disorders and what not…erm…he’s a whackadoo? He’s a sociopath, psychopath, and antisocial--though if you ask him he would tell you he doesn’t care for the labels.

My opinion, which psychic characters can use if they want to, is that The “First” Corinthian probably wasn’t always ape-shit nuts. This kind of enables me to feel sympathetic towards The First if you will, it’s my coping mechanism! J/K!!! You can abuse this if you want, just go over it with me first. So yeah. Like I said I don’t think Cori 1 started out evil, he was probably very obedient or it seems that way in The Dreaming series. He pretty much stuck to his job and what he knew best, it wasn’t until Dream disappeared that he became a little rebel.

Why did he suddenly go off the handle? Daddy complex? I don’t know, it’s quite obvious that he views Dream as a father, he even said as much and this is a very human concept so there could be a lot more going on. Dream’s disappearance probably inspired the desire for him to leave, if he’s not there then who is there to impress? His experiences with his own niche may also be a factor. Can you be a black mirror for humanity for so long without wanting to step through the looking glass? Burnout? Boredom? There is also the human horrors he was probably experiencing on some level while dormant in a German soldier named Stefan during WWI. So certain life experiences probably twisted him quite a bit, and it may be why he has so much trouble with empathy. That could change, who knows.

But this is only from my perspective, we're not really allowed inside of Cori 1’s head that much so a lot of it is interpretation. Take it with a grain of salt, or however you like.

What's okay to mention around him: He’s open to pretty much anything really, he’s not easily offended, given his character, but he’s not without his sore sports either. He’s quite prideful, so anything that negates his pride he may take umbrage too. It really depends on context, but he’ll certainly let you know--don’t worry. Also Dream, not one of his favorite subjects, probably someone you might not want to mention unless he mentions him first. Anything else is game.

Abilities: You can find this information on the profile page of this journal, but I’ll go ahead and reiterate it here. Now Cori 1!mun is of the opinion that Cori 1 and Cori 2 share many of the same abilities--even if they are not shown using them during their individual time as The Corinthian. It just makes sense to me. They’re cut from the same mold, two sides of the same coin, even if they are different in some obvious ways. So what can he do? Well he can use his two fully-functioning mouth sockets to both devour eyes and to see the most recent objects or events beheld by the eyes he’s swiped. He has also shown the ability to take possession of the bodies of others. Once his current body is destroyed he can jump into another and take it over for himself. The Corinthian has other minor abilities as well like super-human strength and a memory that’s a cut above normal. He’s also not too shabby in hand-to-hand combat and like his successor he carries a knife around with him. Keep in mind, he’s probably not as strong outside of the Dreaming and there are abilities he cannot use, like nightmares, his physical strength probably isn't up to its usual specs--but that's no reason to underestimate him…and his body isn’t really his own.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/slash/spit at/step on/etc?: Shapeshift? Sure. Bodyswap? He does that. Slash? He does that too. Spit at and step on? Feel free, but not without some repercussions, obviously. Etc.? Anything else you want to do to him just ask.

Hugging/kissing/bad-touch/other non-violent physical contact: This is very situational and depends greatly on setting and objective. Normally he’d probably rip you a new one for considering any or all of the above and certainly without his permission. He’s definitely the aggressor, but he’s also got a charm about him. So in the event that he may develop an interest in someone--most likely so he can spirit the pitiable individual off to his motel for some good-old-fashion Corinthian fun--he may let you get away with one or more of the above mentioned. It really depends.

Maim/Murder/Death: This is a very tricky one and one I would strongly discourage against, mostly due to some of his special abilities. You could maim him pretty bad, if you’re strong enough I suppose, but death and killing and murder I’d have to say it might not be in your character’s best interest. Dream is the only being really capable of un-creating and recreating The Corinthian. Like I said he’s known for his body snatching, if you kill his current physical body, he’ll just jump into another body that suits his taste. It’s likely he might even jump into yours, and that could be ugly…really ugly. So this is another at-your-discretion type of thing and definitely not without permission.

Cooking: He orders in. We’ll just leave it at that...

This is subject to change :3

permission meme, the corinthian

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