smallville - 9.09 - pandora - preview clips

Nov 18, 2009 19:27


Smallville 9x09: "Pandora" - Preview clip

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Smallville 9x09: "Pandora" - CLois excerpt

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I'm SERIOUSLY about to burst---!!!!!!!!!!! *fangirlSQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* Its almost everything I'd suspected about Lois' 3-week disappearance, and future!Clark's CLois-y behaviour/feelings are perfectly understandable all things considered, its like an alternate timeline from the end of last season.... ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

[EDIT: post-episode:] HOLY FREAKING COW. Somehow the episode was....better than I'd anticipated?! (And I'd anticipated PLENTY this week, trust me.)

Still reeling from the getting-answers-to-the-mysteries-10-plus-episodes-in-the-making-ness of it all, too dazzled to eke out anything beyond two thoughts:

1. CLOIS = HAPPYHAPPYHAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Omg. Like, the conclusion of the episode, the scene with Lois and Clark at the DP was like ... I dunno, balm to my shipper's soul; I was really, really content with it, like the angst I was feeling before was washed away. /dramatics .........Oh, and the handholding rocked my world, strangely even moreso than the skin-on-skin (though that came in a VERYCLOSE second. *cough*)

2. .............................................I did NOT see that KalEl-Kandorians ending coming. At. All. Whoooooooa.


WAIT I got one more: 3. ....there's a couple things I could still squick with, with the episode editing, some character reactions - but those are super-minor in comparison to the confusion I have over that Alia-Kandorian still having her powers when the sun changed back.....or, yeah! hello, when she came back into the past? Anyway.


characters, trailer, opinion, vid rec, tv, smallville

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