smallville - latest episode "idol" - mini rant & defending my "fanhood" [edited + xposted]

Nov 13, 2009 23:58

[Edit: Nov.18/09] So... I'm posting two posts I made over at a couple Smallville forums I recently joined.... both are related to last week's episode "Idol", but I got two drastically different reactions from them. I mean, they didn't really like the first one, but one place was way nicer about it (& with only 1 comment) while the other.........ohlord. *laughs* I mean, all I threatened was to not feed the man soup! Oyvey! Yeah, the other place H.A.T.E.D. it, and I'm still paying for these posts, apparently, since my status (called "karma") at that board is still in the negatives.....

Anyway, it used to bother me, a lot, but now I'm entering the amused stage. So, for my (& maybe others'?) amusement, here are the two posts...and a toast to the first time I've ever pissed off an online community.

This episode.... sent me to both the heights of happiness (the middle), and the pits of rage and despair (the END@#$@#$@#$). Like, 99% rage and 1% despair.

...............................FGS. I mean, it was so freaking PERFECT. You know?! Okay, getting past the fact that its practically HERESY that Lois should fall for Clark first, she was in the most perfect, most faultless and nearly utopian place for Clark to finally come clean and CLois to truly begin, right? But -- once again -- Clark chose to lie to her, I even saw that moment, that facial expression, where he chose to lie to her........but I won't begin my rant on how SV-Clark has been missing/avoiding/burning down the CLois boat since freaking season 8 [officially] to avoid excessive use of profanity. Oyvey.

--Oh! Oh! And he had help last minute, lucky bas--bucket, in preserving the secret ID - the twins, I can forgive, I saw that save coming 4 commercials away, but.........................CHLOE. OH, CHLOE. I've honestly never shared in any of the fan-hate I've seen based on her past actions, not even the Davis stuff (though it made me disappointed and sorry) --- but WHAT SHE SAID. Ohhhh what she SAID. That ONE statement from her, about Lois? That's it. The first time I've ever outright hated the character.

*deep sigh*

(Yeah okay, that's it. I've got other rants on the backburner related to these, but my rage is temporarily spent, hehe.
Hope I didn't scare anyone~~~ *cheerful wave*)

[EDIT] ....Aaaand, no, the prologue and epilogue Clois scenes of this- this- travesty were not enough to mollify me ------- they were 100 triple chocolate fudge cakes and year-round Halloween, but no, not mollification. Faaaaaar from it.

Y'know why? I'll tell you! Yeah, I'll dare! 'Cause -------- deep down inside --------- I don't believe SV-Clark really is in love/lust/infatuation/CLoisness-of-any-meaningful-kind with SV-Lois.

THERE. I'VE SAID IT. OOOOOOOOOH SNAP!, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

FROM NOW ON, [person-I-will-refer-henceforth-as-SubjectTW], IF I DON'T BELIEVE THE wuv!CLOIS ON YOUR PART[cuz subjectED is nearly SV-flawless in my eyes], then no soup for you.

THERE. I've thrown down the gauntlet.

(((GOD I miss the movies. *flounces off to watch some classic Chris Reeves [minus the Lanaland movie - even if it was Annette O'Toole]*)))

--Oh lord I can't believe I'm doing this, but I suppose there's no beating around the bush, I'm writing a "defend myself" post. |.......| Looking back on what I said and HOW I said it.....I wince, big-time.....but I defend it, because at the time that I wrote it (after the episode aired, and over at my LJ - I crossposted here), it was genuinely how I felt.

I guess I shouldn't feel like I should have to defend my "fanhood" so to speak, but [I got major flack from other members]. Anyway, I thought I'd write out a few points about myself as a fan of the Supes, and Smallville. Maybe they'll clarify?

1. I am a Lois Lane fan first, Clark/CLois fan second.

2. I am a Supes fan from Chris Reeves forward; the first movies, and the comics, really stuck with me from childhood...

3. ...which continued into my teens when I discovered "shipping"; in this fandom, CLois is my OTP.

4. I am also a Smallville fan. Granted, I didn't watch it way back in the beginning when it first aired (because a] Lex Luther was in Smallville {wth}, b] who is Chloe? and c] Where Is Lois? WHAT is this..."Clana"?????), but I got back into superhero/comic book stuff in recent years and decided to give Smallville a second chance; since there were 8 seasons behind me at that point (LOL) I decided to just watch from whenever Lois showed up (though I made sure to watch the pilot, the season 3 finale....oh! And the episode with Perry White. [Guess what show I'm a fan of? Hint: starts with LnC. :]). Dude, I finished nearly 4 seasons from late-August to September - and that's saying something since I also attend university full-time.
So yes, I am a Smallville fan now; in fact, even before Supernatural/Bones/House, my TV holy trinity, I watch Smallville first.

5. Most of the things I complained about has roots in feelings/opinions I have about past episodes/character plots & events, and they coloured that rant I made. . . literally, it was what I felt at the moment I typed it.

.....You know, the biggest fuel is probably frustration. I'm a frustrated CLois fan, despite my usual equanimity. I mean, logistically speaking, there were 4 years of Lois on the show, and STILL there was the CLana. I've slowly started watching the first three seasons to complete my picture of character backgrounds and history, and. . . .it just really bugs me that there was ultimately 8 years of CLana, even though Lois was there in the second half of those years. Maybe I just want CLois to happen so badly, yet with the full justice it deserves, when I should just keep watching and keep faith in what the PTB have in store. Then there's my dissatisfaction with how CLana ended (inconclusively! argh.), and the fear I have that they're rushing CLois. Then there's the fact that I completely love ED-Lois, and ED for what she does for the character --- I kinda feel like she rounds out and fleshes out everything we might know or expect from Lois Lane as a character, and yet still pleasantly surprise us with some of the interpretations she puts out there. And I believe her half of CLois, it is practically flawless.....and therefore, I keep waiting for SV-Clark to match it, I guess. Not that I dislike TW-Clark, or TW for that matter, quite the opposite! I know there's some live-action series out there called "Adventures of Superboy" or something, but honestly, after watching TW and Smallville, I have no idea how anyone else can imagine a Supes-beginnings story, and execute it to the high standard and....well, almost "canon"-ness.....that we've seen here. *shrug* Also, my RL friend who fans Smallville along with me, says that, Dean Cain notwithstanding (hey! he was one of my first TV crushes!), I should stop comparing every Superman actor to Christopher Reeves. But I can't help it! He's too awesome, I heart him so much...

...Anyway. You don't have to care what I think, but I thought I'd get how I feel about Smallville out there.

Oh -- and as a CLois fan? There's no WAY I'm immune to Idol, and ESPECIALLY it's ending scenes. GO LOIS! ♥♥♥ That scene was so freaking adorable....... especially the glasses thing.... ED is seriously racking up the awesome points. I just reallyreallyreally wanted them to to get together, it seemed to come together so perfectly --- only to go back somewhat to status quo pre-Idol. Argh. *lol*


characters, lol, @#%&, opinion, tv, smallville

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