a short note for LJ friends, or whoever pays attention to my comings and goings around here...

Jun 01, 2009 14:00

[EDIT:] As you may have already noticed - I am now CurryDelicious on LiveJournal (guess where I got the name from, *lol!*), so from now on if you go to alyssenine, you'll be forwarded to currydelicious.livejournal.com


P.S.: I also "revamped" my layout with a new colour scheme to match the new background image I found, and since everything looks all desi-inspired, I also created a new set of corresponding icons. ;)

[13 May 2009]

... I plan on changing my livejournal name sometime in the next month.

I won't say to what yet, or precisely when its going to happen - but its going to depend on money because I need to see if (a) I need to wait 'til next month's bill to charge the token to, or (b) if I can afford to do it this bill-month, although that's not likely because I feel I've overcharged a bit...

So yeah. When I do it, I'll just post the info into the journal and on the user info page.

If anyone has had experience changing their livejournal name, please let me know, I need tips! :)

-- soon to be EX-alyssenine


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