american idol top 13 ~ reaction

Mar 11, 2009 13:57

So I think I'll start to recap, or at least give brief opinions on ('cause its safe to say I can't commit fully to any online participation *LOL*) what happens on Idol each week, for sure to check and keep a progress report on my favourites - or, you know, just plain VENT when something incredibly STUPID happens on the show, like when America sends home someone deserving and keeps someone not. (Can you tell this has happened in the past? ASDFKLJ.)

I'll start with last week: On the issue of the Top 13, I remember feeling at the time that it was completely unnecessary, because I didn't think Michael, Jasmine or Megan (dear God, especially Megan!) was deserving of a place. (I'm pointedly not going to talk about the semi-final rounds because there were some "casting" choices I really did not agree with, but that rant already happened and it's blown over now, lol.)

Moving on! This week - top 13. For those who didn't care watch, here's the list of performances:

Lil Rounds - "The Way You Make Me Feel"

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Scott MacIntyre - "Keep the Faith"

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Danny Gokey - "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)"

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Michael Sarver - "You Are Not Alone"

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Jasmine Murray - "I'll Be There"

Kris Allen - "Remember the Time"

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Allison Iraheta - "Give Into Me"

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Anoop Desai - "Beat It"

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Jorge Nunez - "Never Can Say Goodbye"

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Megan Corkrey - "Rockin' Robin"

Adam Lambert - "Black or White"

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Matt Giraud - "Human Nature"

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Alexis Grace - "Dirty Diana"

First of all, I want to start by saying that I love Michael Jackson, and have ever since infancy (yes, I'm pretty sure you can make jokes there, but cut it out). In my mind, his fame and his infamy are separate - as a musical artist, he is legend, and that is what I am a life-long fan of. So, that being said, it was an extremely pleasant surprise to find out last night was MJ night, so I was looking forward to it, because chances were pretty good I could sing along to everything.

Lil Rounds - Enh. It was okay. Not mind-blowing. I think she played it safe; it was both an unexpected yet totally unsurprising choice to do that song. I think she vibed it out okay, but it wasn't exceptional - and it didn't show off her voice. If there is one. I'm not buying into her hype, no matter how cool she is or how much Simon loves her. She's got a contemporary artist package, I'll give her that, but I want more from her vocally. BUT, one thing she said in her package will always resonate with me, and makes me like her for sure, is this: "The day you let go of your dream, you let go of your life."

Scott MacIntyre - I'm going to be brutally honest - I think people have rather unreasonable support for him. Don't get me wrong, he can sing, but on a purely vocal quality and vocal ability level, he doesn't match the contestants most of the time. This song was quite boring, and although he tried to spice it up a few times, the sound that came out of his mouth during those times wasn't really pretty. Not horrific, but it showed weakness and lack of ability. Of course we like him, he seems to be an extremely nice friendly, honest type of person. But this is about singing. Thank god for Simon, he was the only judge who was still honest with Scott in return. And because Scott has all those positive personality traits, I doubt he himself would appreciate being patronized, to any degree. But because of that biased support people have for him, I think he'll be around longer than you'd think. But who knows? Maybe he'll wow us next week.

Danny Gokey - The performance/singing was good here, the song choice was okay too, but I'm not sure if he utilized it properly or to the best of his advantage. What he did do was show that other side of him, that non-grieving-widow side, something fun and lively. So props for that. When he was singing, I couldn't help but giggle at his growly moments - and Simon was right, some of the dancing was hideous, and absolutely due to overexcitement, I could tell and Danny admitted it himself. Hehe.

Michael Sarver - Still haven't made up my mind about this guy. On the one hand, he's got a good voice, and he's a type that people will vote for. But I still can't shake the feeling he's one of those people who shouldn't've been able to make it past Hollywood week, or even the semi-finals. Meh. But he's here, and...we'll see. People like him, so he'll probably get through. His rendition of this song was okay, but I didn't like that choice of song even though its one of my favourite MJ songs, its too slow and simple - too basic for a wow!performance. Which he didn't have. It came off as safe.

Jasmine Murray - Is it just me, or are people in her family really attractive? *lol* Anyway. I absolutely did NOT like her choice of song - it was not only not recognizable as an MJ song, but a signature of another famous artist altogether! The choice of that song struck me as naive and amateurish, which is the vibe I get from her anyway. It looks like she'll have to be led through or swept along this competition, as opposed to, if not captaining, then at least steering her own ship. Even Allison's choice was more dominant and stronger than this. But Jasmine sang okay, some weak spots but she's got potential. Who knows, she might grow on me.

Kris Allen - I don't think anyone could really make their minds up about him, because he wasn't featured before the semi-finals (yet another problem with the Idol format, but that's another rant for another day), so we haven't got him pegged, or realized. In a way that could be good, because he has no hype and therefore will be able to create his own based on his work in the finals (you know, the old-fashioned way). Because of that, I'll just talk about this episode. He was okay, the song choice was a surprise but it suited him - however I do not agree with the guitar in the performance, I don't care if it made him more comfortable or a more complete artist, it didn't suit the song, the mood or the flavour of it. His voice did, though, and I think that if he stood there and did it more as himself and not this singer/guitarist, he could've rocked out that song even more, and we could see him more clearly. We'll see how America votes.

Allison Iraheta - Her last name is so cool.The youngest in the competition, and yet one of the fierciest girls, not gonna lie. Her voice is amazing, very rock-chick in the best way. Her song choice might've been one of the lesser known MJs but she rocked it out, dawg. I think it, and she, deserved more feedback - and positive ones - from the judges than what she got last night. She can only keep getting better . . . or at least that's what I would've said, until I considered her when she's not singing. She has to be a bit more composed when she's talking to the judges, answering questions or talking in her packages, because she sometimes slips into types (and content) of speech more appropriate with casually chatting with people her age. But that's my only criticism. Rock on, girl!

Anoop Desai - I was thrilled when he made it into the finals (even though as I said before, it didn't need to be a top 13, could've easily been a 12 even with Anoop. However, now that this week happened, I can't understand what Anoop was thinking! I don't think he totally blew his chance, but it definitely took a really bad blow. Yeesh, Anoop. (And no, I'm only partially supporting him because he's brown. Nyah.) I think he tried to carry on the theme of My Perogative but by choosing Beat It he only focused on the loud, excitable audience-enjoyment/participation aspect, as opposed to a real attitude that comes from what and how you're singing the song. Dude can really sing - yet last night we didn't hear that capability in his vocals. So who knows how things'll go. If he sticks around, he definitely needs to go back to the roots - the vocals.

Jorge Nunez - I love Latin-American singers, and just the music, the flavour in general. Jorge has one of the best voices in the competition, definitely one of the top 3 guys with vocal prowess. I really root for him, and really want him to find his footing and fast - before American decides he's much too unsure or an unkown variable and send him home. Last night, I don't know if he chose the best song for his voice, but I think he should've chosen something more upbeat or at least with more range, but I agree with Kara, with more emotion, because he could definitely pull off the most emotional ballad with all the sincerity it deserves.

Megan Corkrey - Not a fan. Yeah, even though I appreciate different types of voices, I only accept them if the artist can utilize it properly, working their voices properly and with the right songs. She got the first, but not the second or the third. I don't understand her hype or the mad love the judges seem to have for her - and if I were to go into a full critique of her, I'd be booed off worse than Simon, believe me. That song choice...God I don't care if MJ had sung it at some point - which he probably did, as a child, because it is a CHILD'S SONG - yeesh! Fgs. Worst performance of the night, please go home. (Don't get me started on her dancing. asdlkjsdfklj.)

Adam Lambert - Supernova talent. Oh, my, gawd. He is that good, people. I have no idea why he hasn't "made it" in Hollywood yet, seriously. He's got everything a successful musical artist needs - the vocal quality, the vocal prowess - the "chops" - the stage presence... He just knows himself as a singer so damned well - he knows how to use his voice, he knows how to work the crowd yet be genuinely in the moment, he knows how his voice will carry through to the audience and how it'll sound like, as opposed to just in his own mind or to his own ears... And he knows how to take risks and have them pay off big-time because they're not even risks, they're just his own thang. If he doesn't make it to the top 2, then I'm going to have one of those shitfits I was describing in the beginning of this post, I swear.

Matt Giraud - Vocally and as an artist, he's one of my top 3 guys. Really! He's just so Simon said, its really unfortunate that he went on after Adam, because really, what is a star to a supernova? *lol* Enough of that; Matt is really, really good, he's already a package guy, sort of the low-key version of Jason Mraz or Gaving DeGraw, but definitely of their ilk. He's recordable already. I just really, really liked his performance as well, and he sang one of my favourite MJ songs. Keep him around, America!

Alexis Grace - For the first time I'm going to really go against Simon, he said that last night she didn't sound near as great as she "thought she did" - and that last bit was wrong, Simon. She tried for something, and it mostly came through. She's not seasoned or an expert, so yeah, it was pretty good. Guys, this is huge, believe me, because I didn't want Alexis in the top 12. Yes, that's right. I didn't get her hype at all, and her performances up 'til now were underwhelming. Until last night. She almost completely redeemed herself in my eyes, for the first time I actually like her voice - and its not just because Dirty Diana is one of my favourite MJ songs.


Jasmine Murray
Megan Corkrey

Danny Gokey
Anoop Desai
Kris Allen
Michael Sarver
Scott MacIntyre

(Gosh I just realized - the girls are outnumbered this year... *LOL*)

Whoa. That was long. Can I really keep this up week-by-week? Time will tell.


idol, music, vote, music videos, vid rec, rock, tv

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