What happens to a country when its young people stop having sex? Japan is finding out…

Oct 21, 2013 19:42

Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex?
What happens to a country when its young people stop having sex? Japan is finding out… Abigail Haworth investigates

Abigail Haworth
The Observer, Sunday 20 October 2013

...Japan's under-40s appear to be losing interest in conventional relationships. Millions aren't even dating, and increasing numbers can't be bothered with sex. For their government, "celibacy syndrome" is part of a looming national catastrophe. Japan already has one of the world's lowest birth rates. Its population of 126 million, which has been shrinking for the past decade, is projected to plunge a further one-third by 2060. Aoyama believes the country is experiencing "a flight from human intimacy" - and it's partly the government's fault.

article, opinion, japanese, health, tech, pop culture, media, news, politics, romance

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