Wed, 17:19: [[ Wed Nov 23 13:14:11 EST 2011 || B.C. court upholds polygamy ban >>> The B.C. Supreme Court has ruled that Canada's laws against ----
Wed, 17:20: ---- polygamy are constitutional, but cannot be used to prosecute child brides. || Ffull details, or tune in to CP24 ]]
Wed, 23:00: sandisk cruzer blade 32 gb usb problem: attempting to format from fat32 to ntfs but get "windows was unable to complete the format" message.
Wed, 23:00: fml i suck at computer technology crap >:C
Wed, 23:55: Justice for Dog Whose Face Was Blown Off By Fireworks humankind can't sink any lower? turns out they can. Oh my god.
Thu, 01:36: RT @ _Scorch_: If I want to see Superman I have to watch a Chris Reeve movie. Because we've never really seen him after that.