India Health Minister Calls Homosexuality Disease - TIME

Jul 06, 2011 02:44

(NEW DELHI) - India's health minister has derided homosexuality as an unnatural "disease" from the West, drawing outrage Tuesday from activists who said the comments set back the country's campaign for gay rights and its fight against HIV.

The comments Monday by Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad at a conference on HIV/AIDS in the Indian capital echoed a common refrain in the conservative South Asian nation that homosexuality is a Western import.

"Unfortunately this disease has come to our country too ... where a man has sex with another man, which is completely unnatural and should not happen, but does."


OH HELL NO. fabulous, india. set yourselves back a few more centuries why don't you. heck, lets apply this to south asian countries in general, because as i've learned very recently, this attitude towards homosexuality applies to them all. this sort of prejudice is frankly, to me, disgusting and an embarrassment.

west/east, @#%&, article, religion, activism, health, stupidity, fail, media, news, politics, bollywood, controversy, india

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