Heartless Bitches International

Jul 29, 2010 02:10

--> Do really sappy, insipid, "always and forever" love poems make you want to puke? (and that goes for Bon Jovi lyrics too!)

--> Do you find typical "Women's Magazines" to be either stomach turning or pathetically laughable?

--> Does it frustrate you that a nutbar like Anne Coulter gets so much press, yet REAL women of substance get so little?

--> Are you sick of people who have confused objectifying women as sex symbols with female "empowerment"?

--> Are you tired of the walking wounded moping around expecting that the world owes them something because they are victims?

--> Do you find the likes of Michael Bolton and Kenny G. revolting?

--> Does the sight of an incredibly handsome man turn you off, because too many of them have room-temperature IQ's, and obnoxious or non-existent personalities?

--> Are you sick of lazy women who use emotional and sexual manipulation to get what they want instead of using their own brains and muscles?

--> Are you fed up with women who feel they HAVE to be in a "Relationship" in order to be whole, and will sacrifice their self-esteem and personal growth in order to avoid being on their own?

--> Are you tired of men and women who are emotional children, and won't accept responsibility for their actions or behavior?

--> Do you want to SMACK women who play "helpless" just to gain male attention and stroke male egos?

--> Have you run out of sympathy for your Female friends who continually whine about how awful MEN ARE, but then they keep dating the same kind of ASSHOLES, over and OVER, AND OVER AGAIN!?

--> Are you fed up with your Male friends who are looking to date a woman with the appearance of a supermodel, and yet they continually whine about how "women don't like nice guys - they only want good-looking assholes"?

--> Do the words "If you REALLY loved me...." turn your heart to ice?

--> Do you retch in response to "The Surrendered Wife" and do "The Promise Keepers" make your skin crawl?

--> Have you HAD IT with people telling you that you are TOO LOUD, TOO ASSERTIVE, or TOO OPINIONATED?

--> Do you wish you had a button that said: "Thank you for sharing, now SHUT UP and quit Whining!" ?

--> Are you utterly uninterested in pathetic individuals who seek attention by whining in their online "journals"?

--> Are you sick of guys who hit on you and you politely decline, and they keep pestering you and pestering you, and pestering you like some obnoxious, festering, pus-filled sore, until you finally have to WHAP them over the head with a VERY LARGE CLUE-BY-FOUR (tm)....?

--> Do you feel like you might as well "get hung for a sheep as a lamb", because no matter how POLITELY you try to turn down some guy's advances, you invariably get called a "Bitch"?

If you answered YES to all of the above, then Heartless Bitches International wants YOU. Heartless Bitches is now recruiting! Join up and be proud to use phrases like:

"Keep it in your pants, asshole"
"Oh why don't you just masturbate and get over it!?"
"No, you can't watch."
"Wah, fuckin', Wah."

All card-carrying members will be sent a card to carry (if you send in the SASE), so you can proudly display your HBI membership card when some clueless jerk tries to give you grief.

If you are so inclined, you can also be an associate member of the

Apply to join HBI Now, and if you are accepted, you can download our mini-logo to put on your web-page... (we'll tell you how in a membership confirmation email)

Wherever possible, we will attempt to update this page with prime examples of Heartless Bitches at their best!

education, activism

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