FFnet & plagiarism

Apr 13, 2010 00:36

So I finally caught a plagiarizer on Fanfiction.net for the first time, which is something considering how many years and stories I've gone through there.

Looks like being a lifelong Nora Roberts reader finally came in handy; this person lifted a scene from one of NR's older books. The copied parts are in chapter six of a multi-chaptered IchiRuki Bleach fic; there're probably more cheats scattered throughout, but I'm so disappointed ('cause the story was kinda cute up to that point) I'm debating whether or not I should even continue.

Anyway, I've notified the author, and basically said that I'd report her if she didn't do something about it.

[EDIT] Yay, the author responded back and apologized, said that it was an old story and what she did with it back then was probably sketchy, but she immediately took both that story and its sequel down. She was short, to the point, and gracious. So I'm glad it didn't become a situation. :)

fail, bleach, fanfiction

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