Feb 05, 2010 15:25
So, over 2 weeks ago now I lent Shawn some money, because he has just started a new job, and hadn't been paid yet, so didn't have any money to buy food. He'd told me he'd pay me back the following Tuesday. Tuesday came and went, so on Wednesday I asked him if he had the money to pay me back, and he said no, that he meant the following Tuesday, and that he still hadn't been paid yet. So I said that was fine. Cam was home at the time and said that he'd give me the money for Shawn, and he could just pay Cam back, and that was all fine.
It's now Friday and he still hasn't paid Cam back, so Cam texts me last night and asked for the money that he'd given me back, because it's his off week for pay, and he's run out of money. I'm happy to give the money back to him, so I tell Shawn and say that he can still pay me back if I give Cam the money. He gets all pissed and said he had some "arrangement" to pay Cam back, and that by giving the money back I've screwed up their "arrangement", and that he does have the money to pay me back this week.
It just kinda pissed me off because it's now almost 2 weeks after he'd originally told me he'd pay me back. It wasn't a huge sum of money, so I'm not really too fussed about it, because I'm not short of cash or anything, it's more about the principle, and the lack of integrity on his part by not living up to his side of the deal, and the fact that he got shitty at me because of it.
Over the last couple of months Shawn has constantly borrowed money off me, and he's always paid me back later than he'd said he would. I'm coming to a point where if he were to ask me again I'd tell him to fuck off, just because it's always such a huge drama when it comes to him following up on his promises.
Ok, so, rant over.
I've been so tired lately, but constantly unable to sleep. I come into work at 9am, finish at 9:45pm 6 days a week, which means I get home about 10:30, but then lay in bed awake until at least 3am, and last night until about 5am. It's making me extremely irritable and short with everyone, which then makes people pissed at me. I would really like to be able to sleep, but I need to do the overtime at the moment, I need to be saving money for my eventual move, which can't come soon enough.