Apr 25, 2010 10:46
Title: Aide !
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Author: flavouredice
Characters: Sora, Roxas/Naminè, Axel/Kairi
Pairing(s): none
Rating/Warning(s): K; pychosis
Disclaimer: don't own
A/N: Drabble warning.
Summary: Sora wonders how long he’s been trapped here, surrounded by purple and white. And whenever a rectangle of that wonderfully coloured light opens, he always imagines he can see Roxas and Axel; but he can’t really tell if they're there or not.
Sora wonders how long he's been trapped here. He can't really tell how much time has passed. It seems like there is no time here.
Sora really can't remember anything. Did he like the red or the blonde? He doesn't know anymore.
Sora's surrounded by purple and white. It reminds him of Organization VIII. Why? He can't really tell; it just does.
Maybe it's because Roxas seems stronger here, his voice louder.
Or maybe it's because he can see Axel standing in front of him if he squints.
A purple rectangle of wall swings open and Sora can see a white light. But the light isn't really white - it's yellow.
A white rectangle of wall swings open and the white light is really red.
He imagines he can see Roxas and Axel in the light, but he can't really tell.
They hide whenever he calls them.
He can't understand why they keep leaving him.
Or did he leave them? He doesn't really know.
kingdom hearts,