updating for the first time in 2 monthes

Jun 16, 2005 18:59

ya so these are days when things happened

Teusday: band + orchestra + jazz concert

ya jazz was ok chorus had a cheesy dance and band just sucked completly...not because we sucked n purpose, cuz that would be wrong....;)

ok later i was at friendlys with emily, caroline, brittany, lui, katlyn, kristin, zach, pat, lindsey, and im forgetting someone else...




and the food fights, chugging cooladas, josh getting attacked and brought home,and other cool kids stuff

Thursday:Band trip to fenual hall

ya it was fun and i ate lunch at PIZZARIA REGINA<3

and we got to shop and crap and we took a duck tour and i drove the boat

and yo mamma jokes on the way home!!!!!!

and ya


ya i went to chilis with cool kids katlyn lindsay lui mike pat billy zach and we saw russo jake david sam amber janete kim and other cool kids

im not using commas right now

ok so chilis was fun like amber (our waitress amber) being called "hamburger" and us "enhancing lindsay and katlyns drings and such"

and then we went into newbury comics and took MANY pictures

and we went to linnens n things and danced in the isles and "we did it" and posed with kahlua and got thrown out :)

Monday: Dq + Kristins

so ya first we went to dq just to meet up and get ice cream and stuff

and then we walked to kristins house and swam and went on the trampoline which was fun!!

and we played chicken and me n katlyn definatly won

and then we walked back to Dq, kristins sister almost running us over on the way

and we saw katlyn m at dq

and i stole some chicken and fries from emily and katlyn

Tuesday: Pats House
with lindsey jackie emily katlyn billy pat

ya so we jumed on the trampoline and got shot by pats neighbors (jk) and ate dominos and played keep-away and had a hose fight

and i had an intense game of trampoline-keep away- football with billy and katlyn

and it was pmip

and pats sister kept spraying me

Wendesday: Katlyns House!

with billy kristin emily jackie lindsey patand courtney

ya we took pics and hung out in katlyns room and then we played a wikid intense game of VOLLEYBALL in the street and SOCIAS SUCK cuz i was on the greasers cuz were so cool we name teams after the outsiders

and then we played an intense hame of manhunt (in the afternoon, but o well) and on my taem was Greasy (billy), Bedroom (katlyn), and Cherry (kristin). It was fun, but greasy got captured and became a traitor.

Today: lui's

katlyn was there and we got to hang and make cool kids songs on luis keyboard which were cooler than you. i also got to meet luis new puppy, gringo. earlier we had the remax baloon which was only fun because we got to hang out...stupid ceremony crap...and then the rock concert which i found WIKID COOL (not sarchastic) everyone in it was really good and so was all the music

Tommorow: Queer whale watch...maybe it wont be queer...
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