Summery summary so far:
It's been hot in the last few days. Feels hotter than back 'home' in Vz, even if the thermometers and the Met Office tell me otherwise. Except two days ago, when the house central heating thingy was telling me it was 34º indoors in the daytime and 29º at midnight. Inside the flat. Not particularly enamoured of that, much as I know I'll dream of it in February.
Went to
tanzmacabre last night. It was a bit too hot to dance at first until somebody remembered to switch the dance floor air-con on. A very good night even though I still don't like Canal 125. Lots of fun dancing in silly ways with friends, with Gertrude Stein (no, not that one) fencing with Anne with some flower branches.
Today: lessons cancelled so a bit skint (again). A reunion of the regulars of the old dodgy pub in Watford in a different dodgy pub in Watford. Then, drinks for Beata (didn't she use to have a LJ?) in a pub in Hampstead. That's it.