adios summer !!!

Jun 26, 2007 23:26

okay- so it's definitely the 26th of June and my summer is basically over :/

i starte camp last week on the 18th which was cool i guess...but i started working full-time two days after i came back from senior week. I'm averaging a good 48 hours/week at the daycamp. i'm not regretting my decision to take this's just extremely demanding. the boy i'm doing wrap around for is only 5 and is THE cutest thing everrr! he's almost completely blind though- his eyes are only good for distinguishing if it's light or dark, and sometimes where the light source is comming from which is really sad. I've known him and babysat for him since he was 6 months old...and he's my little buddy :)

the hard part is basically being his BUBBLE! so far we have no bruises or cuts or scrapes so this means im not sucking at the job lol. he's in a group of twenty other five year olds and it's absolute mayhem! lol there is a total of about 120 preschoolers in the "day camp" portion...and there's an entirely seperate minicamp for toddlers...a sports camp for 3rd and 4th grade kids (about), and a senior camp for the older kids in middle school. again- im not regretting taking this job- but the kid's mom is a director at my site...for my group and it's really stressful because she's really nice- but consistantly down my throat with suggestions or what im doing wrong compared to how they do things at home...etc

i duno. i only have two weeks off all summer before college and that SUCKS. i get picked up at 7 each morning and i don't get back until 5:30 everyday.

ON TOP OF ALL THIS!!!! i start bertucci's this week off training aaaaaaa lol i will definitely have MAJOR cash flowing in- but i'm really weighing if this is the summer for it. obbbbbbbviously im' going to need $ espesically for my frosh year- but this is also the last summer things are going to be relatively normal.

i just updated the family calender and all i'm doing is working. adn on most of my weekends for July i'm already booked for babysitting. I just wish i have more freetime to hangout with friends. my schedule for bertucci's is going to be closing from 6-11 on weekdays when i'm i get back from camp at 5:30 exhausted from chasing 5 year olds around ALL DAY LONG and being a bubble to my little buddy...and then i have to get changed, sit in traffic on baltimore pike and run around again for a good 5 hours

ugggggggggggggggggghhhhh i'm rambeling but it's cool, it looks like no one's really reading lj anymore lol

anyway i need to get some sleep- good night alllll :)
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