Stolen from Mel's xanga...

Aug 07, 2006 16:38

1. The last person I kissed was: Matt, when he left for a 3 day run in the U.P. :P

2. Never in my life have I: been in the hospital overnight. Or broken a bone.

4. High School: for the most part was okay.

5. When I'm nervous: I fidget a lot and don't talk.

6. The last time I cried was: Saturday

7. If I were to get married right now my maid of honor would be: I am NOT getting into this right now...

9. My hair is: blonde, shoulder length, layered.

10. When I was 5: would I remember?

11. Last Christmas: I went to church, spent time at both Matt's and my house, opened gifts, went to see Grandma and Grandpa.

12. I wish: I could find another job. I HATE Tractor Supply, even if Brad was nice enough to give me my job back...though it may be temporary.

13. I should be: out riding Phantom, cleaning out the trailer, or hanging out the clothes I washed.

14. When I Look Down I see: the ground...

15. The craziest recent event was: I don't really have crazy events...

16. If I were a character on Friends I'd be: I don't know. A mixture of Rachel and Monica. Not really Pheobe though...she's a wee bit crazy for me.

17. By this time next year: I will be married, probably living in Gaylord, and hopefully have a good job.

18. Current Relationship Status: engaged

19. I have a hard time understanding: mean people or slobby people

20. Sometimes at family gatherings: I get annoyed at how the men are in one room and the women in another. Well, maybe it's not annoying but I like parts of both groups, so where do I go?

21. You know I like you if: I voluntarily come up and talk to you.

22. If I won an award, the first person i would thank is: Well, depends on what kind of award it was. A horse award? I'd thank my horse ;)

23. Take my advice: Live a little. Let down your curtain every once in a while. You might be surprised.

24. My ideal breakfast is: Ideal? I don't know. It depends, some days I just like cereal, some days it's french toast, and some days it's eggs and bacon.

25. I'm glad I visited: much fun.

26. Sometime soon I plan to visit: My aunt/uncle/cousins in Ohio

27. If you spend the night at my house: nobody spends the night at my house

28. I'd stop my wedding if: I needed to? Or if something just didn't feel right I guess.

29. The world could do with out: hmmmm...I could think of a LOT of answers for this one...

30. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: eat one.

31. The most recent thing I bought myself was: A magazine.

32. The most recent thing someone else bought for me: dinner, courtesy of Matt

33. I hate people who: are lazy, slobs and/or rude.

34. I love people who: are compassionate and helpful, and try to make other peoples' lives better.

37. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds: penguins. <-- ha ha!

38. I should have: stayed in Gaylord and cleaned the house a little more...oh well.

39. Once, at a bar: Ummm...I sat with Liz while Matt and Chris played pool for like THREE HOURS.

40. Last night I was: in Gaylord...watching TV, cutting out coupons out of the newspaper, and went for a walk.

41. There's this guy I know who: is crazy because he wants to marry me.

42: I don't know: where all this is going.

43. A better name for me would be: ??

44. When I'm in class I am really thinking about: what the instructor is talking about unless something is really bothering me or stressing me out.

45. My birthday is: January 12

46. What I really want for Christmas is: Material-wise? A new digital camera. Like, a really really nice one. (me too Mel)

47. I'm wearing: clothes. and flip flops.

48. Tomorrow I am: going to my dentist appointment and then working from 11-7:30. YUCK.

49. The last thing I ate was: french fries. Totally unhealthy.

50. I really want to learn: ??? There's too much to think of just one thing!

1. who do you wish you looked like?
Hmmm...not sure.

2. where do you work?
TSC...but I am applying at AAACU.

3. if you could have any job what would you do?
train horses and give riding lessons.

4. what color are your favorite unda-wears?
white with pink/green designs on them.

5. what age would you want to be forever?
Not sure

6. do you like airplanes?
never flown in one

7. would you ever go skydiving?

8. how many pictures/posters are on your bedroom walls?
not many, I gave most of my pictures/frames to Matt for the house.

9. have you ridden a horse before?

10. have you ever been too scared to get out of bed at night?

11. have you ever had a dream about someone and been weirded out by them the next day?

12. have you ever seriously injured yourself but played it off cool?
don't think so...

13. have you ever called a teacher or friend "mom" before?
ummmm...I don't think so.

14. what makes you feel lonely?
Being surrounded by people that don't really "know" least when I'm thinking about something that a lot of people wouldn't know I am worrying about.

15. if you were stuck on a deserted island who would you want with you? Matt

16. what's your favorite magazine?
I don't read many...I like "The Knot" because there's really good wedding ideas.

17. what's something you would change about yourself?
how I keep things to myself a lot

18. what's something people find strange about you?

19. what's something that offends you?

20. what's a common misconception people have about you?
Not sure...

21. where would you go if your parents kicked you out of the house?
to Matt's in Gaylord.

22. do you own a piggy bank?

23. where do you keep all your empty cd cases?
I don't keep the cases.

24. when's the last time you had a birthday party?
a REAL one? Not in a long time. Never had one with friends when I was little.

25. who is someone you will always have a secret crush on?
??'s not secret.

26. where would you like to live when you grow up?
I don't really care. Somewhere in the country, but not too far from a city.

27. how do you think you will die?
Unexpectedly. That's how death always is.

28. who is someone, no matter how much they change, you will always be a friend to?

29. how often do you shower?
every day

30. who are you?
Ask me in 20 years...
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