Jul 22, 2006 11:55
First of all, last Monday was my last day at HPC. I found out some information from Brad why Cindy apparently decided not to keep me around...and it really upset me. She pretty much lied to me...and the worst thing is she told me I could use her as a reference :S. It's the second time a member of the Krentz family has had something against me for a really stupid reason. Whatever.
As Brad was telling me that last night at the 4-H meeting, he pretty much told me I could have my job back. I'm not sure if a lot of people are supposed to know; he said if I don't hear back from the places I applied by the end of fair week, I could start back the next week. So I might...it's not like I'd need any training. But part of me just doesn't want to deal with the crabby old customers.
The 4-H meeting went fairly well last night...I took Phantom, Charm (for Cara to ride) and Harley went along for the ride. Charm was pretty good for Cara by the end and Miranda did pretty well with Phantom when they were practicing showmanship. After that, Matt and I took a ride to Uncle Jack's cottage and went to Matt Winter's house (the guys all watched a movie and I slept).
This morning Matt and I went to our final counseling session with Fr. Greg at St. Mary's. We went to the church and pretty much went over how a wedding runs, where the bride and groom can sit, etc. It's crazy...I mean, up until this morning I felt really relaxed about the wedding, but now I'm anxious because I have so much left to do! It made me think "Wow, this is really happening....really soon!!"
I'm not sure what I'm going to do today; Matt is fishing with Matt Winter and Dave Sharp...so I think I might go to the IBHA speed show at Stacey's. Then at 4 I'm going to help Shelby again...she might not be able to ride Boo today because he had his feet done yesterday, but we'll see. In the meantime...I'm hungry!