Dec 21, 2010 17:13
Wow, hard to believe that Christmas is only a few days away! This year has gone by so fast, which is fine - 2010 ain't done shit for me so far.
It's been so nice to unplug from the computer. I used to be on it for hours, now I'm lucky if I check my email once a week. Like I said before, it's been nice to have all this free time to work on some art projects. My housemate, C, is studying web design. When she gets back from Florida in early January she's going to help me set up a website.
The Damn Big Art Project (not knitting!) is sucking up a lot of my time. I'm hoping to have it finished by my birthday next month. Originally I was shooting to have it finished by the end of the year, but I had to adjust my expectations. You can't rush perfection, can you? If I finished my original in time, I'm going to reward myself with a new piercing. Not exactly sure what I want yet, I'm leaning toward a conch piercing in my left ear. It may have to wait for a bit, my industrial is really angry right now. I've had it since February and it still isn't quite healed yet.
C left for florida this afternoon. I'm rabbit-sitting for her. She has the cutest little black bunny, named Abracadabra. She's such a sweet little thing.
Tim got me the new Kanye West CD. It's tight. Can get much higher?!