Jun 02, 2005 06:29
An effort to update more (even if it is with
small thoughts and strange
line breaks).
I have seen so many twisted scraps
of cars on the wires that I
think there are no suicide bombers
in Iraq;
only a club composed of
indiscriminate demolition sculptors.
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Simpler to sign the petition than to stand with some against others?
The sniper fires his rifle at his father’s father’s father’s father’s father.
Each night-as if impregnable-chain, dead bolt.
Some die who are silent, shamed.
Some die who will not change.
Sometimes, as if anew, I learn greed.
Nursing-home doctor cuts good eyes, bills Medicaid for cataracts.
Mengele needled dye into twins’ eyes.
I need to assert that they are of sacred memory, not abstract.
Torturers pray, despots philosophize-all in the work of days.
Beria judged his victims "hardened, uncompromising."
For years, Mother fed from a stomach tube.
Outside: sea, gases, galaxies, radiation, darkness, interstellar dust.
Simpler for X to kill than not?
The pardoner shall not pardon.
Facts almost exceeding reckoning.
Wheel-chaired torso minus legs and arms.
Some immolate themselves and/or others.
Death unmeasured by life.
Mind and form of the beloved.
Though I swear that the atoms do not care.
Sometimes: the rage that could tear steel.
Sometimes: the small deliverance of sweat.
To push up from the floor on knuckles.
Portion of breath, its sustenance.
X = Y; evade the juggernauts?
No reprieve; write: tree, bird, flower, warlord.
(by Hugh Seidman)
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