I am alive!

Feb 15, 2007 18:17

Hi all! I just thought I would pop in and tell you all how I'm doing. I'll do the usual run down for you.

School first then. Well, Math is Math. I have a passing mark, but a failing grade, and so my teacher (who has NO personality at all, or at least not with students) phoned my parents. That was fun. They aren't mad. They know math isn't my forte. World Issues is still really good. Although Mr. Swirsky has now grown a beard. And then he proceeded to shave it off so that now he only has his chin covered in beard and it looks soooo dumb. It's very distracting. Religion was switched and I moved from Johnson, to Sister Marilyn who is really adorable. The only thing is is that her course is very easy. It doesn't challenge me in anyway. And she is a very grade seven and eight teacher. She speaks to us as if we should be in those grades and the 18 year old language is missing. Although I do love her. She's an amazing person and I think she's got a heart big enough for the entire world. She's great. English. Okay, well I wanted to take both English courses (Trans and Lit) but administration wouldn't let me. So I decided to take Transactional. Which I love, but I was also hearing about what Renate was doing in Literary, and I loove everything that they are doing. So I decided to switch over, because if I had to stick with just one, I would be most happy with Lit, so that's what I did. Even though I did get a teacher whom I swore to myself I would never have. Mrs. Mireault and I really did not get along in grade nine. It was my ultimate goal to screw with her head and make her frustrated (it worked. Quite well actually). She gave me detentions almost everyday and I just really didn't like her teaching style. And now I have her again. I must say, I don't mind her as much now. Over the years, I've had the chance to let it mellow out between us and it is better. I still don't like her teaching style, but there really isn't anything I can do about it. Also, she seems to be drawn to me. It's so odd. In the summer of grade nine/ten, she sent me a card wishing me a good summer and promising to see me the next year. I talked to my friends and NONE of them ever got one. And now we're reunited. Anyway, sorry that's my little rant.

Dancing..is interesting. I am apparently moving up into the Advanced class ggradually, which is exciting because that's where I've wanted to be since the first year I started dancing. Also, I will be getting a new costume very soon,it is going to be black and um.. orange. But it isn't as bad as it sounds. It's going to be very nice actually. I'm looking at getting some new shoes in the near future, because mine are getting to big now and I'm just not happy with Antonio Pacelli, so I'm going to try out Rutherford. I'm also getting a new wig (not as big and bushy as my other one, and not as painful--BONUS!) So, my toe is acting up again, for all those who know of my toe issues. I've had an ingrown toenail problem for the last three years. It comes back, it goes away for about a month, and then it's back again. And I had surgery to have half of the toenail removed, which is when it went away for about a month until the toenail started growing back in. >:| And now, it's back, worse than ever. It came on really quickly, and I can't even put on my dance shoes anymore. I can't walk without limping, and it's pussing and bleeding. I am just so frustrated and angry. I am on the verge of going to the Mis and getting the entire toenail removed. I don't even care that I won't have a toenail anymore. And I can deal with the pain of having it removed. I've had it done once, it wasn't that bad. And it'll be very short term considering the length I have been suffering. An if worst comes to worst, I can just paint the toe to look like I have a toenail. I really don't care. I haven't really been wearing flip flops for three years because of it. It won't do any harm now.

Annyway. That was also my dance rant. Sorry. But in other dance news. Because of my toe, I also had another first at dance class the other day. I've been dancing for about 6 years now, and performing included. I have NEVER fallen. But on Tuesday, I was listing to the side (how sad does that sound people?) and during one dance, my left foot hooked behind my right ankle and I was about to do a scissor kick, so both feet went up and I went down. Oh man did it hurt. But I think it looks and sounded like it hurt more than it did, because everyone gasped and looked like I was dying or something. But after laughing at myself quite a bit, I got up and continued dancing, which is the sign of a good dancer. (please don't think I'm being full of myself here). I know have to sit on one ass cheek because I have a gigantic bruise on my butt. The bruise on my ankle goes all the way around and I have to tensor bandage it, and I also landed trying to brace myself, so my wrists hurt quite a bit too. Other than that, I'm perfectly alright.

In other news in general today, Renate was telling me (all week actually) about her trip to Vegas and how she went to the Criss Angel store with the intent to buy me something, but it was all too expensive. I was perfectly happy just knowing SOMEONE got to go and see it all and that she actually got to TOUCH the bag I want and all of the stuff in the store. (He might have touched it you know. :P). Anyway, Renate comes in to school today and I'm sitting in the cafeteria eating my breakfast and talking with Beth and Shannon, and she has a little bag in her hand. She DID in fact by me something from the Criss Angel store and she just couldn't wait any longer to give it to me. (This was today, February 15. My birthday isn't till April 1!) What did I get? You ask? I got a mug with "Criss Angel- Mindfreak" written on it. I'm pretty sure it's my most favourite mug in the entire world and I thank her SOO much for it. It's incredible and I have already had a cup of coffee in it. It was delicious and tasted like Criss Angelness.

Then, Renate and I spent an hour in the cafeteria on spare looking through the Myers Briggs stuff in my binder. We are both the same except for one thing. She is Extroverted and I am Introverted. Other than that, we are both NFJ's. We had fun comparing things with each other and she helped me understand a few things. I learned a lot about myself in that short hour. Thanks Renate!

I'm also in a very cuddley mood today. I was really huggy and clingy and I had sudden urges to hug people. I don't know what that's about, but Renate was very willing to supply me with the hugs and cuddling. Thank you!

And then I brushed Renate's hair and well really, just had a really good spare with her. Um.. THANKS RENATE! XDXDXD. You have made my day all the more special.

I'm also on a musical/soundtrack frenzy. I'm downloading them left, right and centre and I just can't get enough of them. I even attempted to find the lyrics to Dracula-Entre L'amour et La Mort, but well, it was all in French, but that didn't stop me, the fact that I couldn't find the lyrics stopped me.

Anywho's, I've ranted long enough, and if you read it, or even just skimmed this super long entry, thanks very much. It's appreciated. Have a lovely day/night/whichever. :D

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