Supernatural Fanfic Plot Bunnies

Jun 20, 2012 13:58

A few plot bunnies, free to a good home:

Supernatural/His Dark Materials crossover idea

When Castiel takes a vessel, he suppresses his host, Jimmy, but not his daemon. His daemon must accompany him everywhere, is aware of everything that happens. If the daemon is small enough to fit in a pocket, Castiel could put her to sleep most of the time, and she wakes only when something intense happens; or she must follow along after him, getting to know him even if she does or doesn’t want to. At first, I bet she’d be fascinated and worship him, since Jimmy did; but over time, as she comes to know him and the other angels, her attitudes change.

When a demon possesses a human, the daemon becomes robotic and dull, much like in Pullmans’ books when the connection was severed between a human and his/her daemon
A possible angel!Dean/Dean-says-yes bunny:

The angels turn Dean into an angel so that, when they tell him he needs to fall in order to say yes to Michael, he will obey. Would this work?
A SPN body-swap fic:

A spell is cast that causes Dean and Castiel to switch bodies. However, because Cas cannot take a vessel without the vessel’s permission, Dean wakes up in Jimmy Novak’s body while Cas finds himself without a vessel and unable to communicate without bursting Dean, Sam and Bobby’s eardrums. Dean’s body is asleep or--to jack up the tension--is slowly decaying without a soul to occupy it. Or it’s walking around like soulless Sam did in season six.


A spell is cast that makes Dean and Castiel switch bodies. However, because Castiel cannot take a vessel without the vessel’s permission, and because Castiel’s true form is incorporeal, the spell does not manifest the same way as with two souled humans. The spell pulls Castiel from his vessel and Dean from his body. The spell deposits Dean’s soul inside Castiel’s true form. Dean finds himself turned into an angel--having taken over Castiel’s true form--and Castiel’s consciousness is locked deep inside his incorporeal form. Essentially, Dean is possessing Castiel in his true form. It’s confusing for Dean, especially since an angel’s true form is nothing like a human body, and Castiel’s consciousness is suppressed so he cannot help Dean with the transition.
Purgatory fic bunny #2:

Castiel is able to contact Earth from purgatory, much like he was able to contact Dean and Sam when they were in Heaven and he was on Earth. (Inspired by this fic:

plot bunnies, supernatural, fan fiction, his dark materials

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