Plot Bunny

Apr 30, 2012 19:49

Supernatural/His Dark Materials crossover idea

When Castiel takes a vessel, he suppresses his host, Jimmy, but not his daemon. His daemon must accompany him everywhere, is aware of everything that happens. If the daemon is small enough to fit in a pocket, Castiel could put her to sleep most of the time, and she wakes only when something intense happens; or she must follow along after him, getting to know him even if she does or doesn’t want to. At first, I bet she’d be fascinated and worship him, since Jimmy did; but over time, as she comes to know him and the other angels, her attitudes change.

When a demon possesses a human, the daemon becomes robotic and dull, much like in Pullmans’ books when the connection was severed between a human and his/her daemon.

Addendum: If a demon possesses a human with a large daemon, I'd imagine the demon would kill the daemon. This would in turn kill the soul of the possessed human, but demons can possess cadavers as easily as living people, I believe, so why not? To fool other humans into believing the demon is a normal human, then, the demon could steal a small animal like a lizard or mouse or something, keep the animal in his or her pocket and take it out every once and a while and pretend to treat it like a daemon.

Another note: You know, demon and daemon are pronounced the same way. I bet Dean and Sam would get tired of having to clarify which word they're saying in half the conversations they have. Hunters would probably develop some sort of shorthand for demons (just like Croatoan-infected people in 5x04 were called "Croats").

plot bunnies, supernatural, fan fiction, his dark materials

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