(no subject)

Jul 03, 2008 22:58

This summer isn't really turning out to be what I expected.  All I do is work and sleep and post shitty bulletins and text people letting them know that I'd like to hang out, even though I only have one day off a week which thus far has been dedicated to sleeping, and not hanging out.  And I've been working mostly nights too, which sucks as far as having a social life goes, but I can't really complain.  I'm making money.
I turned in my notice for my last day, which will be August 8th.  So hopefully I'll be able to see everyone during my three weeks of summer vacation.  But we'll see.
All I can think about is college.  I feel bad for everyone that talks to me because I probably annoy them so much.  Like, seriously, I'm sure most people don't actually care about my housing or my meal plan.  Which is fine, it's really not that exciting.  But my mom has actually been really supportive/helpful with the whole college thing.  Kind of.  For example, I offered to buy my own laptop but she wouldn't let me.  And I ended up getting like, the nicest laptop the school recommended (with the exception of a macbook.)  Also, she insisted that I let her get me a mini-fridge so I can keep a full supply of soy milk in my dorm room, and she wants me to bring a TV, even though I don't watch TV.  It's weird.
On the other hand, next week she's sending me down to Boston alone on a bus so I can stay there for my three day orientation, alone, and figure out the T system, alone.  I'm sure I'll be fine.  I'm kind of excited actually.  I'm glad that my parents are comfortable letting me go into a city by myself and find my own way.  But I feel like orientation is like.. the first day of elementary school.  You're supposed to bring your parents with you.  And they're supposed to hold your hand and take pictures.
Ugh.  I'm tired and I keep losing auctions on ebay.
But overall I'm pretty content right now. 
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