Nov 30, 2004 13:26
My birthday is in 17 days.. yup COUNT DOWN...
Ok I was in work the other day (church) and started listeing to the sermin.. why not.. He posed a very intresting question through the corse of a story. it got me thinking. The story summed up was a devel was asked how will you bring people to hell. he responeded "i will convince people they have plunty of time to repent and untill they die" Then the dude (precher) started saying we don't know whats going to happen in the next 30 seconds you don't know if your going to die in 5 minuits from now.
so my question is "If you only had 5 miniuts to live. What would you do with them?" (yes this question gets easier if you have a day so you can call people and actualy accomplish something.. but you don't you have 5 minuits) and yes I expect everyone that reads this to post and tell me what you would do.