They're alive!

Jun 07, 2010 15:50

As reported here, two weeks ago tomorrow I planted some seeds and seedlings on my balcony. Since then, I've done a pretty good job of keeping their dirt wet, which seems to be my only plant related job for the moment. I am happy to report that my wettening appears to be successful! On Friday I went out to water, and noticed something different in the basil pot...


Lots of little basillings!

And today, just a few days later, they are somewhat noticeably more growified:

The seedlings also appear to be doing pretty well... I of course did not take pictures of them when I got them, so I'm the only one that would know, but they're certainly bigger now, especially this here happy tomato plant-

The other two also look pretty happy, which I have documented for future reference.

The other peppers have not sprouted yet, but I am told that this is to be expected. You can expect that there will definitely be pictures when that happens. I'm sure you're very excited.


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