I've been kinda quiet for a few days, hmm? There's a reason for that!
I had EPIC walking fail this past tuesday, and man, am I suffering for it. Mary and I were walking over to a friend's apartment, in the same complex as ours, when I managed to roll my ankle on a tree root, and completely bail on standing upright. I hit the ground with both hands and landed on my left side, which in retrospect, was a godsend. My right knee is less stable than my left, and it would have popped right out. Same goes with my right shoulder.
So I sat on the ground for about five minutes while Mary freaked out, both of us convinced that I had broken every bone in my body. But, weirdly enough, I was fine. My hands were a little scratched, but aside from that, there were no other immediate injuries. It was kind of astounding. I guess I've gotten to the point where, if I know I'm falling, it's safer to just go limp. I was almost 100% that I had snapped my ankle, but unless I've developed a healing factor (WOULDN'T THAT BE NICE), I was totally fine.
So that was tuesday. It's thursday now, and I am in so much pain. The worst is my arms, I've got bruises over my wrists, forearms and inner elbows from the impact of hitting the ground. I can hardly hold a fucking pen (so painting and drawing is on hold for the moment, sigh) and my left shoulder is staging a rebellion against the rest of my body. My hips are aching, and my back is all freaking twisted up. Sleeping is a nightmare (Literally. I had some fucked up dreams last night.) and if I sit still for too long, I can't straighten my legs out.
But would I take all of this over breaking or dislocating something? YES THE FUCK I WOULD! I think the only part of my body that's NOT hurting right now are my knees, which is remarkable.
I always love my girlfriend. Obviously. Six years with one person, you kind of expect that. But I go through phases of love.
Every now and then, it will hit me just how much I love her. Like a punch to the face. It's weird. It's like being crushed under something you can't fathom, like there's no way to estimate how big a feeling can be, and when you feel it, there are no words to describe it.
It's this completely overpowering wave of scariness. Before I met Mary, I was very single, and godforbid should I ever be without her, I would go back to being single. Happily. I can't see myself with anyone else, ever, because this terrifying, crushing, all consuming love can't be shared around. I don't know if I could take it again.
That's how I've been feeling for the past couple of days. Whenever I look at her, or think about her, it's like I'm being knocked off my feet. The feelings of love and luck and relief and possession and desire are kind of cripplingly strong, and it's hard to shake off. I'm always in love with her, but every now and then it scares me just how MUCH I love her, and everything I would do for her, How amazing and smart and beautiful and perfect for me she is, and everything I would do to keep her.
And it's nice, that after six years, I still feel that way. That instead of that feeling fading or becoming complacent, it's growing and becoming stronger. One more year, and I'll be catatonic from it.
Also, we stopped by our local comic store last night to record a few episodes of their general comics and geekery radio show. It was a fucking BLAST, and it was so great to talk frankly and without censorship about how minority characters are treated in comics, whether they be female, gay, lesbian, tg, bisexual, black, asian, hispanic, blue, purple, what the fuck ever. As well as talking about what we're into, how we met, how we got into comics, and the original stuff we're working on. It was a fucking blast, and I can't wait to do it again. There was one part that's really going to stick with me, however, and it makes me love our comic book guy more than I already do. it was a throwaway quote, but the gist of it was
'If you can make a character blue, green and purple, why can't you make them black or brown?'
Why indeed. Oh comics. How I love to be frustrated by you.
Right. Enough of this sitting around and letting the pain catch up to me. THERE IS WORK TO BE DONE!