Touching base...

Dec 02, 2004 14:46

Haven't updated for a while, due to a combination of laziness, watching cricket, playing online trivia on IRC (damn you Rhys for getting me hooked!) and the odd bit of work thrown in for good measure.

However, a couple of tidbits to keep you all informed with the goings on in my life:

  • I've moved back home for a couple of months - the owners of the place I was renting at decided to sell their home.  So I thought it was a good time to get out, rather than be sprung when the house sells.  It'll be a good opportunity to save money and also spend time at home.  I get on well with my folks and youngest brother (Geoffrey), and of course the lovely doggy (she's such a cutie!!) - but it is a little cramped, especially as I am using the smallest room in the house.  On that note I can't wait to move out again. :)
  • I'm going to Moreton Island with a few of the lads this weekend - hence, I'm taking a half-holiday today to pack, and taking Friday and Monday off for the trip.  We leave tomorrow morning (Friday) and get back on Monday arvo.  Good thing my boss asked me to take my accrued leave too!
I will give a proper update next week when I return to work.  In the meantime, I'm off!!
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