101 Things in 1001 Days!

Jan 01, 2009 00:01

The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic.

To mix things up and get things moving in life, I've taken the challenge with mission101_2009 to complete 101 things in 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) because not only is it a reasonable amount of time, the different time of year (and different years) will suit some of the tasks I have listed.

So starting from January 1 2009 to September 29 2011, here is my OSM 101 list!

Legend for my list
Bold tasks are in progress.
Stroked out tasks are complete.

001. Take more quality pictures, not quantity.
002. Watch all the shows that I keep collecting but not watching.
003. Read all the books I keep collecting but not reading.
004. Re-learn Japanese because I've forgotten everything in the last 5 years.
005. Learn new songs on the guitar really well.

006. Skydiving.
007. Go on a boat cruise to Tasmania.
008. Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
009. Bungee jump in New Zealand.
010. Snorkeling the Great Barrier Reef.

011. Try skiing at least once.
012. Start swimming at least once a week.
013. Learn yoga.
014. Take up kick boxing / pole dancing.
015. Learn new recipes.

016. Master 5 dishes (3/5).
-- Chilli Chicken
-- Vegetable Curry
-- Chicken Soup
017. Cook a 3-course meal for the people I love.
018. Find a better job.
019. Build a closer relationship with my brothers.
020. Speak to my mother everyday.

021. Change my health insurance plan as soon as possible.
022. Clean my room and closet once a month.
023. Vacuum my room once a fortnight.
024. Drink more water, coffee, tea or wine and less of everything else.
025. Reduce alcohol consumption (except wine) to once a month.

026. Have a vegetarian day once a week.
027. Recycle and don't accept plastic bags when possible.
028. Throw a party at home.
029. Tour Asia.
030. Tour Europe.

031. Tour Australia.
032. Go on a road trip to the Grampians.
033. Donate to a charity.
034. Donate blood / plasma twice a year.
035. Take a train ride from Adelaide to Perth.

036. Start my own tradition of some sort.
037. Buy a new camera.
038. Eat cereal for breakfast for 14 days straight (14/14).
039. Learn to dance.
040. Save $500 every fortnight for now, more if I can later.

041. Lose 10kgs by September 2011.
042. Own my own coffee machine.
043. Try a new restaurant / café every month.
044. Smile more often.
045. Meet up with aitakute once a year.

046. Pay back my parents for spending on my education.
047. Get a tattoo.
048. Get another tattoo.
049. Write meaningful LJ posts quaterly.
050. Random acts of kindness whenever possible.

051. Post a video of something I made or did on Youtube.
052. Attend MSO Pops events each year.
053. Have a picnic once a month during spring and summer.
054. Have a movie marathon / sleepover.
055. Catch up with friends at least once a month.

056. Learn to master the various functions of a camera.
057. Take a holiday somewhere with my family once a year.
058. Watch a comedy show during the comedy festival.
059. Watch a musical.
060. Have a "Yes" week.

061. Change my acoustic guitar strings.
062. Buy a new classical guitar / cello (from 2012).
063. Smile to a cute stranger whenever possible.
064. Divorce myself from toxic people.
065. Don't compare myself to others.

066. Spend more time with family when I'm around them.
067. Be thick skinned when striving for the job I want.
068. Stop making unnecessary jokes.
069. Refrain from saying stupid things without thinking first.
070. Learn a new word every Monday

071. Learn to play the cello (from 2012).
072. Complete a drabble challenge.
073. Learn sign language.
074. Try speed dating at least once.
075. Register to vote.

076. Try getting a Brazilian wax at least once.
077. Get over my fear of spiders.
078. Practice driving a manual car again.
079. See a chiropractor.
080. Try acupuncture.

081. See a Japanese band in a live concert.
082. Go to Disneyland.
083. Perfect my latte art skills.
084. Buy a house.
085. Buy a car.

086. Attend the Australian Open.
087. Attend the AFL.
088. Say "awesome", "like" and "seriously" less.
089. Watch all Audrey Hepburn's movies.
090. Compile a list of personal great songs.

091. Watch the Border's top 50 movie (33/50)
092. Pursue a career in IT.
093. Make a breakfast in bed for my mother.


101. Just be happy.

Detailed Progress (f-locked posts)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

mission 101, mission 101 progress

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