Hey there American, are you outraged by the ungainly profits being reamed by the oil companies because you have to drive your SUV to the grocery store 1.3 miles away? Tired of all the crackpot hippie scheme to have a one-day gas protest that are supposed to make the fat cats shiver in their suits, but never seem to do anything? There is something you can do: be selective about where you get your gas.
BP Amoco, where the BP stands for British Petroleum: They made $5.6B 1Q, compared with Exxonmobil's $8.4B, so they're not raking it in as much. Spread it around, America. Specifically, spread it across the pond.
Marathon Oil, which is partnered with Ashland chemicals (who, for you gear monkeys, makes Valvoline oil): I have nothing good to say about them, but nothing especially bad.
Citgo, representing the people, just not your people:
The company is owned by PDV America, Inc., an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A., the national oil company of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. They also subsidized cheap heating to low-income families this past winter, pretty much doing more to help than all Americna oil companies and the US government combined. Plus, every time you fill up at a gas station owned by a socialist country, a little part of Shrub dies inside.